My loss of my dad

Discussion in 'Loss of a Parent' started by Harley.hames, May 12, 2020.

  1. Harley.hames

    Harley.hames New Member

    i lost my dad 8/18/17 I was ten at the time.he passed because he was in a motorcycle accident and he made a full recovery from his surgery and everything was fine and he did some bad things and ended up in prison and he passed in prison,the police said they thought he had a heart attack and passed from that but I was ten and I just wanted a real answer to why my dad past a few months later we found out he passed from his surgery from the motorcycle accident.His name was Charlie Edward Hames he was in his early 40’s when he passed I miss him so much I love you dad-Harley
  2. David Hughes

    David Hughes Well-Known Member


    I am so sorry for the loss of your dad. It is sad to survive such a tragic accident, and then succumb because of it later. It sounds like the pain could have been too intense, as a carryover from the accident. Alas, that truth will be elusive. Life can be cruel and leave us with so many questions.

    I hope you have family to be with. To help each other with the sorrow associated with this loss. There will never be a good enough reason for the loss of your dad. No matter what it is, it can stay with you for so long.

    I know when I lost my dad, I never realized how much hurt he had kept to himself. He passed from lung cancer. I was going to college at the time, married with two sons, working part-time, and now after his death taking care of mom. There would have been no answer I could accept why he passed so quickly, two days after seeing his doctor. I hated so much back then and was angry I had so many questions unanswered.

    I eventually developed depression because of dads death. This is my actual account: https://www.griefincommon.com/threads/depression.1785/

    All I will say is watch out for your well being. Be your own best friend and be mindful to take care of yourself. Be safe.


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