Dear ______, A Note to a Loved One That You've Lost
Following the loss of her mother, Yoga & Meditation Teacher Gabrielle Diakon created a journal to help cope with her grief. Now available to anyone experiencing any kind of loss, these journals Include a variety of prompts, and can be used by the seasoned writer or someone who is just beginning to journal.

Healing After Loss: Daily Meditations For Working Through Grief
Following the loss of a loved one, many grievers find they have lost their ability to concentrate and focus. Because of this, some may find that information delivered in small doses can be most effective. This little book is filled with insight and perspective, and something a griever will find they return to again and again.

On Grief and Grieving: Finding the Meaning of Grief Through the Five Stages of Loss
Pioneers in the field of grief and loss, Elisabeth Kubler Ross & David Kessler, have written a well-organized book that goes through the stages of grieving and talks about the misconceptions about those stages. This book details not just the griever's experience but how it effects the world around them.

A Grief Observed
Written by author C.S. Lewis following his wife's death, A Grief Observed is a personal and spiritual biography of grief, filled with heartbreak, and poetic reflections from first hand experience.

How To Go On Living When Someone You Love Dies
Covering topics such as sudden vs. anticipated death, specific types of loss, and what is necessary to "resolve" your grief, this book gives those who have lost a loved one ideas for solving problems and getting additional help.

Wherever You Go, There You Are
Though not exclusively a book on grief and loss, these meditations can help a griever who is feeling overwhelmed. The process of healing and moving forward can be long and takes patience. This book provides a calm and welcoming approach in acceptance and letting go.

Touched by Suicide Hope and Healing After Loss
Though every type loss can be devastating, losing a loved one to suicide brings with it its own trials and challenges. This book offers suggestions for coping, healing, finding meaning, and moving forward after losing a loved one to suicide.

Dying to Be Free: A Healing Guide for Families After a Suicide
This informative and relatable book aims to educate and help those who have lost a loved one to suicide. So often survivors are left with so many questions and find their suffering continues as they try to understand what their loved one was thinking or what could have lead them to take their own life. "Dying to be free" explains the suicidal mind in a way that few other books are able to.

A Broken Heart Still Beats: After Your Child Dies
With a different approach on some of the more traditional takes on grief and loss, this is a book of poetry & fiction, compiled by two mothers who lost their children. Chapters are organized by theme and emotion and provide alternatives on where we find inspiration and ways to cope.

You Can Heal Your Life
Those a little further in their grieving process, finding themselves in the wake of their loss and coping, wondering "what's next?" may find guidance in this work. Losing a loved one often makes us feel powerless. Louise Hay has been helping people for decades, take control of their future and to find meaning, even when life overwhelms us with a great loss.

Colors of Goodbye: A Memoir of Holding On, Letting Go, and Reclaiming Joy in the Wake of Loss
A beautiful memoir that gives a first hand experience after the loss of a child. It is warm and relatable and just as much about living as it is about loss.

Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma
It's not unusual for those who have had a loss to feel traumatized by all that they have just experienced. With a focus on the mind/body connection this book takes a more scientific and biological approach to not only explain how we are effected by trauma but also how we heal from it.

Lifetimes: The Beautiful Way to Explain Death to Children
Though labeled as a book to explain death to children, this is truly a title that can be shared with anyone effected by loss. With its calm and practical approach to life and death, it reminds us all that we are all part of a greater circle of life.

Final Gifts: Understanding the Special Awareness, Needs, and Communications of the Dying
For so many who are grieving the loss of a loved one, they find part of their journey includes processing all that has just happened. Written as a guide to help caregivers companion someone through their last days in life, this can still be very helpful for the bereaved in the days, weeks and months that follow the death of their loved one.

Angel Catcher: A Journal of Loss and Remembrance
Journaling can be a wonderful tool as we cope with the loss of a loved one, but some find they can be intimidated by the blank pages. With helpful thoughts and prompts, most will find they can connect with this tool, and find another outlet for their thoughts and reflections.

Topics in Grief: by a woman who lost a son
Following the death of her son to an accidental drug overdose, Dr. Leila Koepp recounted her experience in this personal and powerful memoir. Filled with raw emotion and faith she shares an experience that could be familiar to many.

When a Child Dies from Drugs: Practical Help for Parents in Bereavement
Written by the founders of the organization G.R.A.S.P. (Grief Recovery After Substance Passing) this book includes chapters on denial, guilt, anger & acceptance as well as chapters from both a mother's and father's point of view.

The Grief Club: The Secret to Getting Through All Kinds of Change
A varied collection of stories covering many scenarios of challenge, grief and change. The author states that she hopes "the secrets, tips, and activities will help you whether I've touched on your loss or not." It also includes a number of helpful resources and informative statistics.

A Grief Like No Other: Surviving the Violent Death of Someone You Love
Written for those who have lost a loved one to a violent death, the author explores the very different and complex emotions that can arise for those left behind. Describing grief as a journey to be traveled, the author of this book discusses the eight qualities (courage, hope, faith, optimism, humor, patience, joy & compassion) that can help a griever to heal and move forward.

Angels Three: The Karen Perry Story
Author Landon J. Napoleon takes readers inside the tragedy, and ultimately hopeful journey, of a woman's perseverance through unimaginable loss. Karen Perry is a Grief in Common member.