When does it get better

Discussion in 'Loss of Spouse' started by Good days bad days, Jan 26, 2022.

  1. Patti 61

    Patti 61 Guest

    Hi Deb, Lou,Gary,Karen, Bernadine, Robin, George,Rick,Chad,Rita,TK,
    Helena , Debra, ALL others,
    Sorry I haven’t gotten in sooner to post to you all, I’ve been having
    heck of a time bouncing back from this virus.Still coughing a lot, very
    weak.(I had the booster shot December 16th)
    Deb, it’s to be 24 degrees in morning and low of 21 Sunday morning here.
    It is raining here now, very windy.Hope it’s better down your way.
    I’m ready to call it a day.
    Lifting each of you in my daily prayers, sending hugs and love.
    Blessings, Patti
    Dreary, 1guy and Gary166 like this.
  2. Countess Joy

    Countess Joy Well-Known Member

    Hi, Patti
    Sorry you’re still fighting your virus, it’s good to hear from you.
    Blessings, hugs and love back to you. ~Bernadine
    1guy, Dreary, Patti 61 and 1 other person like this.
  3. cjpines

    cjpines Well-Known Member

    Patti, good to hear from you. I've heard of the bad weather in the east while in Calif we're having nice sunny warm days. But, we need your rain.
    I always remember what you said, "God is carrying me". Yes, even now and you will get better. Always blessings to you, Karen
    1guy, Dreary, Patti 61 and 1 other person like this.
  4. Dreary

    Dreary Well-Known Member

    I don't usually share songs, but this one always stuck in my mind regarding pain, "It Only Hurts When I Cry" by Dwight Yoakam, Roger Miller

    The only time I feel the pain
    Is in the sunshine or the rain
    And I don't feel no hurt at all
    Unless you count when teardrops fall
    I tell the truth 'cept when I lie
    It only hurts me when I cry

    You couldn't tell it by the smile
    That my recovery took awhile
    I worked for days and nights on end
    Just to walk and talk again
    You can't believe the time it takes
    To heal a heart once it breaks

    The only time I feel the pain
    Is in the sunshine or the rain
    And I don't feel no hurt at all
    Unless you count my teardrops fall
    I tell the truth 'cept when I lie
    It only hurts me when I cry

    Oh maybe every now and then
    I have a small heartache again
    You wouldn't know when you look at me
    There's tiny scars that you can't see
    It was a struggle to survive
    I'm probably lucky I'm alive

    The only time I feel the pain
    Is in the sunshine or the rain
    And I don't feel no hurt at all
    Unless you count when teardrops fall
    I tell the truth 'cept when I lie
    And it only hurts me when I cry

    I tell the truth 'cept when I lie
    And it only hurts me when I cry

    Sending healing hugs, thoughts and prayers so we can all get better, Rita
  5. 1guy

    1guy Well-Known Member

    I feel every word. Thanks for posting this. Rick
    Dreary likes this.
  6. 1guy

    1guy Well-Known Member

    Doesn't every day seem surreal? It does with me, every day seems like a lost day, but I have to admit, it's gotten a tiny bit easier. Rick
    Patti 61, Countess Joy and Dreary like this.
  7. Dreary

    Dreary Well-Known Member


    Some days this is how I really feel - not positive at all. Just pain and sadness and an awful tiredness.
    1guy and Countess Joy like this.
  8. 1guy

    1guy Well-Known Member

    I understand. I'm sorry it's like that for us. I am grateful for the life I had with my wonderful wife of 53 years. But my days of being the strong one are over, and that's ok, it's just the way it turned out. But I miss Sheila so much it's just hard to do much when your strength has been cut in half. Like Gary says "stumble forward to an other day. 1 day closer to being together again. Me and Jack spending another lonely night together, hope tomorrow will be a tiny bit better for us both. Rick
    Patti 61 and Gary166 like this.
  9. 1guy

    1guy Well-Known Member

    Hi Patti, when I said me and Jack spending another lonely night together I meant like in Jack Daniels. Should have been more clear, my new little rescue Pom's name is "Honey". In honor of Sheila, because every time I would say something to her it was Honey I'm home, Honey are you ready to go? Like that , but I appreciate what you said, kind of funny really. Hope you don't take offense, my father's name was Jack, so I love the name and never knew what it meant. Went to my first Grief support group meeting today, many had lost their loved one's to Covid, some had lost their dad, mom, husband, wife or son. People hurting, but this is the first of 10 sessions and I hope it helps. I love Proverbs 3:5, one lady stood up and said she knows her mom is so happy and rejoicing now, I know that Sheila is too. I just wish I could figure out what I am still here for, but again look at Proverbs 3:5. Every day is just so hard, I miss Sheila so much I just can't think some times, it still seems so surreal. It's gotten a little easier, but Mr. Grief is always waiting for me. Can't see many answers coming ahead to the questions and doubts I have in my mind. Bless you Patti, thank you. Wishing and Praying for a little Peace for us all. Rick
    Gary166 and Patti 61 like this.
  10. Patti 61

    Patti 61 Guest

    Hi Rick, I knew you were thinking of getting a dog when you felt
    you were ready to do so.
    To name her “Honey” in honor of Sheila is very special.
    Rick no offense here, actually glad it gave you a chuckle, my
    thinking you named your new one “Jack” I didn’t know you
    had gotten a female Pom.
    I’m so far behind on getting caught up on past and recent
    It’s a blessing to know the grief group is now up
    and active nearby you, glad you are going.
    Had long day of lengthy medical procedure yesterday, I think
    I’m ready to sleep now. Take care of yourself , keeping you
    and all others in prayer. Blessings, Patti
    1guy and Gary166 like this.