I lost my husband to liver cancer in March 2020. He was the one I had always waited for after my first marriage ended in divorce. He was such a special person-kind, helpful, loving, sweet, a real helpmate for me in raising our daughter with Down Syndrome. Now it is just me and her, and she is really not much company for me. She just stays in her room and watches dvd's. She is 29 now. I am lonely, and can't really find anything to cheer me up as I usually can. Is this the way it's going to be from now on?
The answer to your questions is," It's up to you." It can be that way from now on. Or, you can change it. You are in charge of your life and you need to explore how you want to live the rest of your life. In this time of social distancing, it will be difficult for you to connect with people. So, try and find something you are interested in and nurture that. A hobby, a skill you always wanted to learn, books you always meant to read..etc. If you have friends, use them to help inspire ideas. Do you know your neighbors? Until this pandemic, I knew them to nod and wave, but I have gotten to really know some of them and they are really nice people. They are always asking me about gardening..etc. I wish you an open door to finding what you need. Peace and stay safe. Sheila
So sorry to hear of your struggle. I lost my long time partner in business and personal life gradually over the last 4 years as his condition got worse until his passing in January due to cancer. I was perhaps lucky in some ways that we were so young & I was able to go travel. For me, I won’t be the same but I’ve come to find happiness in a new chapter. I’ve done my best to be brave & remember I had a feint row seat to how precious our time is here. Joy will come to you if you seek it. Sending you strength, chelsea