Discussion in 'Loss of Spouse' started by Helena Beatriz, May 4, 2022.

  1. Countess Joy

    Countess Joy Well-Known Member

    Oh Robin, I'm so glad things weren't worse than they were and how fortunate you listen to your intuition. That's a challenging clean up. Hope your week improves, lending you strength. ~B
    DEB321 likes this.
  2. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    No one loves me, no one cares about ME... I am very alone
  3. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    Where are you Valerie!?
  4. cjpines

    cjpines Well-Known Member

    Valerie lives within you. She's always watching over you. Know that.
    We are left to find ways to live and hopefully find peace until we see our love one again.
    I believe. Keep trying. But, maybe stop trying and let go. Sometimes trying can be stressful. Give it a break. Let it go for a time, rest it. I do because l have to.
    eyepilot13 and DEB321 like this.
  5. Sweetcole

    Sweetcole Well-Known Member

    I no you venting but wanted to let you no I care!
    eyepilot13, DEB321 and cjpines like this.
  6. DEB321

    DEB321 Well-Known Member


    Although I'm getting here late, reading this sent shivers down my spine... Although I can't even begin to imagine how scary this was, in the scheme of life, the only thing that really matters, is that you, your daughter, Teddy and Slinky, are okay!!!, TUTTAM!!! Thankfully, you and your daughter thought quickly, and did everything necessary to stop the fire from spreading. I'm so very glad your brother is part of the volunteer fire department and was able to respond to your call. I'm so glad you had both your brother and daughter with you.

    I believe with all my heart, that even though Ron wasn't with you physically, he was giving you and your daughter the strength you needed to avoid a potential disaster. I know saying this doesn't help because although I knew Bob was with me during the car wreck last summer, and also in March of this year, when I had to be transported by ambulance from the doc in the box ER, to the hospital, all I wanted was Bob to be able to be here with me physically, to hold me in his arms... It SUCKS!!!

    I can't even imagine how much work it was to clean up. I wish I lived close enough to help.

    Sending you, Teddy and Slinky, zillions of hugs and love, wishing you peace, all of us peace, all the way from TUTTAMVILLE... DEB & Skye
    RLC, Countess Joy and eyepilot13 like this.
  7. DEB321

    DEB321 Well-Known Member


    I think Karen is on to something. Please continue to be extra gentle with yourself. You've been through so much, and yet, you NEVER!!! give up. You ARE!!! the UGW, TUTTAM!!! Even the UGW needs a break every now and then. As Karen so perfectly said, "Sometimes trying can be stressful. Give it a break. Let it go for a time, rest it. I do because l have to."

    I think I can safely say for all of TGW, that we love you, care about you very much, TUTTAM!!! but, and this is another one of those really BIG!!! BUTS!!!, I know it's not the same as having in person relationships. It SUCKS!!! I wish I had a magic wand, could wave it over everyone's head, and within seconds, we would all be together in person, doing a group hug... Daydreaming can be such a wonderful thing, TUTTAM!!!

    I know this isn't the same, but, as always, sending you zillions of hugs, lots of love, wishing you peace, all of us peace, all the way from TUTTAMVILLE... DEB & Skye Queen
    RLC and eyepilot13 like this.
  8. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    I can't help but live through those bleak moments of desolation... dialysis was horrible yesterday... blood all over my fav jeans from one of the needles... I'm doing better today though, thanks for the positive power of hugs and thoughts and Love!
    Deborah A., DEB321 and RLC like this.
  9. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    I know.. some nights I get so alone and rage at the pointlessness of stuff... Better again today! we must bestrong!
    New Art, painting I did Monday night in my despair!
  10. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    Thank you!
    Deborah A. likes this.
  11. cjpines

    cjpines Well-Known Member

    I really needed my color and abstract fix. Come winter I will really need your art work.
    Yes, we must be strong and have faith we will be okay. You have your art, it's an escape for you and that's good. I don't have any hobbies now, nothing seems to work. But, that's okay with me. I'm just after mental peace. Good luck Karen.
    George there is such a bond here on this site. I hope when you go to bed you think about the days postings here of love and support, I do; it helps me not to think of Mr. Grief attacks.
    Deborah A., DEB321, RLC and 2 others like this.
  12. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    I truly do appreciate the kind and warm support from this site so much! I do have my art which is true... but I can't do art 12 hours a day. I'd have 8 foot tall piles of pastels and paintings everywhere! As the afternoon deepens I can't help but think: " Now what..."
    Deborah A. and RLC like this.
  13. Countess Joy

    Countess Joy Well-Known Member

  14. RLC

    RLC Well-Known Member

    Ok George you’re a miracle of nature or something. I know you’re struggling and feeling in despair but you are still able to create something so beautiful at the same time. I’m blown away. My mind is going, what? How? I know we all keep telling you how talented you are and I’m saying it again! I understand what you’re saying about your art piling up, you could probably wallpaper your apartment with it. Everyone here looks forward to George’s creations I can tell you that. Sorry I’m here late to offer the support you deserve and need. But others have given you the love and support while I was trying to clean my kitchen of fire extinguisher residue and the smell of smoke. How wonderful it would be if we could all get together and love and support each other in person. I’m hoping today is another better day for you George. sending love and hugs! Robin
  15. RLC

    RLC Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much Deb!!! I can tell, seeing flames in your house!! Scary times a million! I never want to experience that again. And now looking at burn marks takes me back to Sunday and I can feel the panic and see the flames. I can’t wait till I have a new range delivered and this one is out. It makes me sad to wish it was gone cause I remembering shopping for it with Ron when we remodeled our kitchen. But it’s time. I know you would help me clean the mess up, I’d love that. I have things in pretty good shape now. I need to go look in person and choose my new range. Deb I did feel Ron’s presence with me trying to keep me strong and safe, something told me to stay in the house while the pizza cooked. Things are coming together, but I’m tired of looking at it. So thankful I was prepared with the fire extinguisher and my daughter was here to help. We actually used Ron’s pick up to keep Teddy and Slinky safe while the fire department was here. And if I can’t have Ron or my Dad here in person, it’s my brother I need and he came through. Each of us on here are so lucky we had the connections we did with our soul mates. They stay with us. You had Bob with you to help give you strength during your accident and then your emergency ambulance run to the hospital. They do come through for us, wish it was physically but they’re helping. Thank you Deb! Give Skye a hug from me and Teddy. Robin
    Countess Joy, Deborah A. and DEB321 like this.
  16. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    Even with our grief and loses the day-to-day crud we put up with can really try our strength and patience! THANK YOU so much for your kind words about my creativity... It is for myself,,, and people like you that I keep on trying. Keep looking for more art. I think I'm getting back into a creative phase! Take care and much love!
    RLC and DEB321 like this.
  17. DEB321

    DEB321 Well-Known Member


    I can't wait to see more of your beautiful, thought provoking creations!!! Every time I look at them, I see something different, something I didn't see the time before. They allow me to escape from reality for a little while, a definite plus, TUTTAM!!! All my creativity has been MIA since Bob transitioned. I used to love creative writing and decorating. I've given up on writing. Now that the outside of my house is finally in good shape, (hope I didn't just jinx myself, TUTTAM!!!), I want to make the inside feel more like home. In my past life, I would have had so much fun doing this, but now it's just another chore, on a seemingly endless to do list. I HATE!!! when I have days like today, when I'm finding it difficult to be positive about anything.

    The only thing I know for certain is that everything is always subject to change. Tomorrow might end up being a really good day...
    I hope tomorrow turns out to be a much better day than expected for all of us.

    As always, sending you zillions of hugs, lots of love, wishing you peace, all of us peace, all the way from TUTTAMVILLE... DEB & Skye Queen
    eyepilot13 and Deborah A. like this.
  18. cjpines

    cjpines Well-Known Member

    Sweetcole, l don't think l introduced myself. I'm Karen. Lost my husband to sarcoma cancer three years ago , Nov 4th. We were married 39 years. I know this journey is new to you with your loss, and lm so sorry. I hope this forum of friends who support you will help you in this difficult time. I've been on this site for 2 1/2 years. For me it helps to know I'm not alone, everyone here gets it. My family doesn't get it, my friends don't get it. So, here l am . Take care, k
    RLC and Sweetcole like this.
  19. Sweetcole

    Sweetcole Well-Known Member

    Hi Karen! We've come across each other a few times. I don't comment very alot but i be around. . You explained the site in a nut shell. It's where people get it. I lost my Gant 3 years ago too. It's been rough especially raising 2 little ones by myself but they are my motivation to keep moving. Thanks for taking the time to.say hello.
    RLC likes this.
  20. RLC

    RLC Well-Known Member

    I will most definitely keep watching. I’m glad you have your art to help yourself and I know it must feel good to know that it helps others. I’m glad you’re going through a creative phase. I went out shopping to replace my stove. Didn’t go well. Found one I loved but every store is on back order for a long time. So I’m still looking. I’ve started making Lego sets to make in my very little spare time. I have flower sets. It keeps me occupied and is good for my RA. So it’s therapeutic. Never thought I’d be making legos but it does tick off a few boxes. Looking forward to more art. As always much Love! Robin
    Sweetcole and eyepilot13 like this.