Bob transitioned almost 30 months ago. Almost everyone I know, except for my friend who is also a widow, and a few of my closest friends from "home," think enough time has gone by, I should be looking forward to the soon to be holiday season. WTF???!!! Why would I be looking forward to the holiday season when Bob, the one true love of my life, will NEVER!!! be able to share them with me (physically) again??? The best I can hope for, you can hope for, is for the holidays to be a combination of "happy and sad," to quote you for way over the zillionth time. One of the things I find hardest to accept, is that there is no longer any such thing as just happy. We will get through the holidays together, and with help from our GIC "family." Sending you a GIANT hug, all the way from TUTTAMVILLE.
I "get" it, and I don't think it's silly. Change isn't easy for me either. Last Saturday, both my garage door and vacuum cleaner, stopped working. In the scheme of life, both of these things are just a drop in the bucket, but after my next door neighbor checked out my garage door, couldn't fix it, and told me I needed to call a repair person, I began stressing out. No one I know had a good reference, and it's so easy for single women to be taken advantage of.
Then I had one of those "light bulb moments." The garage door needs to be fixed, and now that I'm alone, there are going to be times when I'm paying too much for a service, but, and this is another one of those really BIG!!! BUTS!!!, this IS!!! my reality. I can either accept it, and move forward, or end up with Mr. G doing his best to trash the rest of the day, probably the evening too, dragging me down memory lane, when life was so much better, so much easier, where Bob would have taken care of the garage door, when I wouldn't have had to think about it at all.
After this "light bulb" moment, I called the company that seemed to do the most work in my area, and had the best references online. That same day, over $1,650 later, I had a fully functioning garage door. I was told just about every part, except for the door, needed replacing. I'll never know if I got ripped off, but I'm okay with this. I have to be.
I didn't stress out over the vacuum cleaner. Sam's Club was having a sale on vacuum cleaners. It seemed like it was meant to be. I ordered one online. End of story. Wait, not quite. It arrived in pieces and I had to put it together. Putting it together was easy, but there was one piece, a cap to a disposable filter, that I thought was missing. I was about to return it, when I had another "light bulb moment." The cap that I thought was MIA, was part of the disposable filter. If I had just opened up the bag that contained the disposable filter, I would have saved myself so much time. Instead of beating myself up for this mistake, I told myself that household maintenance has morphed into a learning process.
Whether it's household maintenance,car maintenance, insurance issues, etc, etc, etc..., we're on our own. We're forced to learn how to deal with all the things Ron and Bob used to take care of, that I used to take for granted. It's challenging enough having to live in this over the top, bittersweet world, without having to deal with all the "extras" thrown our way. You said it best when you said "life sure became hard for all of us." It SUCKS!!!, but, and this is the last very BIG!!! BUT!!! for now, I'm so very grateful for you, for our GIC "family," where I always feel "normal" in this totally crazy, f*cked up, bittersweet world, we've been thrown into.
As always, sending you, Teddy and Slinky, lots more hugs and love, wishing you peace, all of us peace... DEB & Skye
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