Trying and failing to cope

Discussion in 'Loss of Spouse' started by Ostickblack, Jul 7, 2023.

  1. RLC

    RLC Well-Known Member

    Wow Rose you’ve had a real turn around from rain every day to sunny and 100° I’m complaining with our 88°, but it is also very humid. I don’t think I’ve ever been that startled in the middle of the night. The alarm was crazy loud. I did get up and get dressed and move to a safer place in my house. I could feel Ron saying rather be safe then sorry. More rain coming this morning, calling for hail too. Hoping for normal rain with no tornados or hail for that matter. I feel for you with stuff breaking or needing attention. It’s so overwhelming, I tend to shut down. Which kind of where I’m at right now. Your”crazy” dream of dumping everything and running sounds kind of wonderful. Of coarse neither of us would do that but sounds pretty nice right about now. In a different room Ron left a quilted flannel shirt he had been wearing on a desk chair. That shirt is still there and brings me comfort. It’s like Ron watching over me, and bringing me strength. That jacket can bring me warmth on my insides. A long warm sunny summer sure would be nice for us all. The thunder and rain have started. It’s ok, like I mentioned we could use it.
    Gary166, DEB321, Rose69 and 1 other person like this.
  2. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Rose, as you know, I'm a believer
    in God, and don't believe in
    coincidences. When you said the
    name of Aretha Franklin, it
    brought me back to the time
    I met Linda ( I'm choking up as
    I write this). We were standing
    across from each other at a
    small bar, waiting for drinks
    ( both sober). She looked at my
    impatient face, smiled, and said,
    "you could write your
    autobiography waiting for a
    drink". Though amused, being
    the knucklehead I was, I
    wandered around the room.
    Years later , Linda, who had a
    sixth sense, said she knew I was
    the man she was going to marry,
    with my kind eyes & warm
    smile. We finally ran into each
    other and danced a fast and
    slow dance: Respect, by..........
    Aretha Franklin. When we sat
    down, I told Linda that was one
    of my favorite songs. I left the
    room briefly . When I returned
    to the table, I noticed the band
    was playing the song a second
    time. When I asked Linda if she
    knew why, she gave me one of
    her mischievous smiles, and said
    that she had gone up to the
    band leader and requested that
    song for me. I was astonished,
    put my hand on hers, and knew,
    at that moment, that she was
    " the one". We were in our 40s,
    never married, so I wasn't
    thinking of marriage. When we
    went out to the parking lot,
    I impulsively kissed her on the
    lips. I called her the next day
    for a date. Our first one was......
    at the House of Blues, where we
    danced more. As I write this, I'm
    releasing my guilt that we didn't
    do more dancing through the
    years, and that now, almost to
    make up for that, I'm dancing in
    her memory. There will never be
    anyone like her for me. Lou
    Sweetcole, cjpines, Gary166 and 3 others like this.
  3. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    Glad to hear from you Gary! I keep trying to be positive but it is not easy all the time. Your kind words help me to keep "trying to try". Yesterday I went to Dialysis early so I could go to the park and check out a live band there. It's always great to hear live drums and guitar and bass. The band was a little too family friendly, I prefer my Zeppelin and edgier stuff... but the point is I got out there and did something. It was so hard to do this, especially after d. , Valerie's b-day is on the 25th! Keep surviving to survive!
    cjpines, Gary166, DEB321 and 2 others like this.
  4. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    Guilt is EVIL! Keep releasing it, easier said than done I know!
    Gary166, DEB321, Rose69 and 1 other person like this.
  5. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    Glad you like it! I watch this video when I NEED to smile!
    Gary166, DEB321, Rose69 and 2 others like this.
  6. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Wow, George, maybe you ARE
    my actual brother! Like our
    other brother,Gary, we appreciate the power of music.
    As you know, after Linda died,
    I couldn't listen to ANY song
    without sobbing. Now, I can't
    live without music, especially
    live music, to which I can dance.
    Lobster Lou Travolta
    Gary166, DEB321, Rose69 and 1 other person like this.
  7. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    Music is the one constant that keeps me going... I probably could and can still listen to it cuz Valerie truly hated music and thought what I liked was noise. Anytime I put on a record she'd yell at me to turn it off! I still don't get how awful people yelling on Springer and Cheaters was not horrible noise!
    Gary166, DEB321, Rose69 and 1 other person like this.
  8. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    George, that is so sad that
    Valerie chose Jerry Springer
    ( died recently, BTW) over
    music that you liked to play.
    Like you, I had to leave the
    room, when Linda watched loud,
    obnoxious shows, like Family
    Feud, with Steve Harvey, or
    depressing ones, with
    mentally ill people, in Hoarders.
    It got worse as Linda became
    sedentary and didn"t want to
    walk outside with me with her
    walker. She also filled her time
    with the ridiculous Publisher's
    Clearing House, which she
    believed would give us a lot of
    money , to make our lives both
    easier and happier. One would
    have more of a chance being
    President of the United States,
    or being struck by lightning,
    than winning the grand prize,
    but I kept giving her the forms
    to fill out, to make her feel
    happy. Except for some useful
    kitchen ware, the rest of the
    items were crap we didn't
    need. After Linda died, I donated
    some, and threw out others.
    Linda and I enjoyed playing
    slot machines in casinos, like
    kids playing games in an arcade.
    Later, Linda bought scratch
    tickets, some with ridiculous
    odds ,like PCH. I don't go to
    casinos now, and was never
    interested in the Massachusetts
    lottery. Lou
    Gary166, DEB321 and Rose69 like this.
  9. RLC

    RLC Well-Known Member

    It worked for me too. Thanks for sharing. Ron loved music, we both enjoy music. We’d have it playing at work, home and in our car. I keep the XM subscription cause I know Ron would. But I have to call once a year to get a better price. I’m listening more to music as time goes but certain sounds. I just can’t. I can hear him singing along and it just breaks me up. Today it’s rain and thunder I’m listening to.
    Gary166, DEB321, Rose69 and 1 other person like this.
  10. RLC

    RLC Well-Known Member

    Gary I’m happy to hear that Rose and I going to concerts helped push you through to join your class at Pizza Hut. Sometimes we need to push ourselves through what we think will be uncomfortable and realize it was worth the effort. That was a nice turn out, I’m glad you feel you’ll keep joining. I hope you enjoyed your nature walk this morning. My nature today is thunder storms. I don’t mind. I believe we’ll all survive in our own time. Robin
    Countess Joy, Gary166, DEB321 and 2 others like this.
  11. Kim Elizabeth

    Kim Elizabeth Well-Known Member

    Hi Pete, Thank You for sharing your experience in losing your Beloved Eve. I envy you in that you were with Eve when she died. My Husband, George, who by the way, is also Norwegian, died alone. And I worry so much that he was calling for me and I wasn't there. It has been 5 weeks. He was 57. I am 58. I feel so alone. Nobody brought groceries or called to check on me. Humans aren't very gracious anymore. So I know how you feel. How are you managing today? You live in Spain? Do you cook for yourself? Do you go out? How is your Cat? Kim Elizabeth.
    Rose69 and Van Gogh like this.
  12. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Kim Elizabeth, at first I was
    confused that you were talking
    with Pete , 80, of Spain,about
    the death of his wife, Eve. Then,
    I remembered "talking" with
    him quite awhile ago, and thought he left GIC. Hope he's
    OK, but we have no way of
    knowing. Lou
    Rose69 likes this.
  13. Kim Elizabeth

    Kim Elizabeth Well-Known Member

    Oh Ok. Thank You for letting me know. KE
    Van Gogh likes this.
  14. kelso

    kelso Well-Known Member

    anyone here now ?
    Van Gogh likes this.
  15. kelso

    kelso Well-Known Member

    hi kim soulds like my friens no call no responce to mine. i am sooooo alone. tired of cryin.
    Van Gogh likes this.
  16. kelso

    kelso Well-Known Member

    Van Gogh likes this.
  17. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Hey, Pete! "Talked" with you
    months ago, and thought you
    had left Grief in Common, or,
    much worse, died without any
    of us knowing. It took a new
    member , Kim Elizabeth , from
    my state of Massachusetts, to
    reach out to you. I will refresh
    your memory. I'm Lou, 74. My
    wife, Linda,died suddenly in
    front of me, at 68. We were
    married 25 yrs, no children.
    That was over 4 & a half yrs
    ago. I was in a state of shock,
    couldn't sleep, stayed out late
    and drank too much in bars,
    bc I didn't have any friends.
    I had suicidal ideations,and
    went to a grief counselor. She
    kindly suggested this kind site,
    but I didn't join 'til 2 yrs ago.Welcome back, Pete,

    Rose69 likes this.
  18. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

  19. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Pete, I just screwed up, and thought you were 80, living in
    Spain, & that your dear wife's
    name was Eve. I hope I got
    your names right, "Kelso". I see
    by your info that you are 68,
    and live in Pennsylvania. Is
    that correct?Please forgive my
    mistake. I'm glad Kim Elizabeth
    and Robin reached out to you,
    on the Trying to Cope thread
    and Loss of Spouse thread. Lou
    RLC and Rose69 like this.
  20. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Meant loss of my wife thread!
    Gets confusing, Kelso! We're
    here for you! Lou
    RLC and Rose69 like this.