The Dux

Discussion in 'Loss of Spouse' started by eyepilot13, Jun 25, 2023.

  1. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    I am living on my own for the first time of my life... and I'm really diggin' it even though EVERY night I dream of my Valerie, Dying, Living, Crabbing... I love her so much!
    But my new routine is to walk most mornings to the nearby park and there are these awesome ducks in a pond with a peaceful fountain even. Mommy duck and ten little ones cruising around... gliding on greenish water... Suddenly Dad Duck wings his way back to his Duck Fam... Green shiny head he steps on to a rock to make sure no mayhem hurtz his little ones! There are also plastick turtles on some rocks... too phony for me but anyway! Sun, trees, wind! Away from the concrete and generic Aparatamant Complex I was exiled to for almost two years in Lombardville! I now live in a hundred year old courtyard building. It is old. Woods floors and funky windows! I love it! I can walk to places now! When TB comes back from France next week... The insanity will begin again. Am I prepared?

    Attached Files:

    cjpines, Van Gogh, Gary166 and 5 others like this.
  2. DEB321

    DEB321 Well-Known Member


    I am so over the top happy for you, TUTTAM!!! I read this twice. I can't stop smiling...

    Thank you so much for sharing this way beyond wonderful news with us.

    As always, sending you lots of hugs and love, wishing you peace, all the way from TUTTAMVILLE Debanator and Skye Queen
    Van Gogh, Gary166, RLC and 4 others like this.
  3. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    Thank you the DEB.. I'm trying but itz still so hard! Hugs and hugz and more LOVE!
    Van Gogh, Gary166, RLC and 3 others like this.
  4. Sweetcole

    Sweetcole Well-Known Member

    Hey George! Congrats! I'm proud and happy for you. I no it seems like a lot and you still miss Valerie but she's proud of you too. Hope things continue to improve for you. Continous prayer for your strength.
    Van Gogh, Gary166, RLC and 3 others like this.
  5. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    I miss her so much
    Van Gogh, Gary166 and RLC like this.
  6. Sweetcole

    Sweetcole Well-Known Member

    I no you do. I don't think we'll ever stop missing them. It's good we can all talk about it to each other though.
    Gary166, eyepilot13, RLC and 2 others like this.
  7. RLC

    RLC Well-Known Member

    I’m so happy for you George! I love your morning walk to the park and watching the fun duck family. Getting the fresh air that helps so much. Your building has so much character, glad you love your new place! You might be living on your own, but Valerie is there with you. Happy things are going well for you. Robin
  8. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    I even set up a shelf of her stuff that I saved as a memorial. Hope they keep going well. All we can do is keep trying... ShrineToMyBestie.jpg
  9. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    Most definitely.. I know our loved ones would want us to be strong and keep living!
  10. RLC

    RLC Well-Known Member

    Oh George I love your memorial shelf for Valerie! I’m familiar with so many of this things, it made me smile. I’m trying to keep going. I’m feeling overwhelmed and I’m having trouble getting past it. Is that bunny ceramic? I have one in tan. Looks very similar.

    Attached Files:

  11. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    It's a little resin rabbit. It looks very lifeLike... I too feel overwhelmed especially by moving... It is never easy but I just try to be mindful and focus on the here and now. Like the future and past don't exist in reality. Just our perceptions of them that are clouded with our sadness, fear, angst... and other mindBaggage,... Oh much love to you and take care!
    DEB321 and Gary166 like this.
  12. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Nicole, you hit the nail on the head , in your reply to George,
    about never stopping missing
    our soulmates. How can we,
    when they live inside us?Even
    now , after over 4 & a half yrs
    since Linda's death, I think of
    her every day. If I meet a
    friendly tourist couple, I
    sometimes tell them a funny
    comment Linda said to me,
    and it feels good to laugh. Lou
    DEB321, Gary166 and Sweetcole like this.
  13. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Wow, George,as our friend, DEB ,
    would say, I'm so happy for you
    TUTTAM!!!Your description of the peaceful ducks, matches
    the scene I see of a duck pond,
    waterfall, & meadow,near me.
    In fact, I sat on a bench there
    today, feeling the sun on my
    face, erasing intrusive thoughts,
    & enjoying the moment, like
    Tom Zuba suggests, in Permission to Mourn. When you
    showed us a picture of where
    you live now, it took my breath
    away, bc you never showed us
    your place in dull Lombard
    DEB321, Gary166 and Sweetcole like this.
  14. Gary166

    Gary166 Member

    Great job hanging out with the dux Bro Geo. I bet they appreciate your company. I can imagine using that location to blast off on a Kalpavriksha guided meditation. There’s a gas station nicknamed Papa Ducks about 10 miles away. The apartamant photo reminds me of either the album cover Physical Graffiti by the Zep and the Stones album covers Beggars Banquet and or Hot Rocks. Total nostalgia for you George. You’re in a great environment to heighten your creativity. I gave a half hour testimony at a zoom grief meeting last Sunday. It drained me kinda preparing for it. But the payoff was realizing how much I love my beloved Cheerful Cheryl and all the good memories. And how I appreciate having Cheryl’s nonphysical presence around me intermittently. Glad you’re driving the truck me Bro. Much love to George. Gary
    DEB321, eyepilot13 and Van Gogh like this.
  15. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Gary, it brings me great joy to
    see my 2 younger brothers on
    here. Thank you for reaching out
    to George a few minutes ago. I've
    missed you, but understand you
    were too drained 'til now, and
    were just able to put "LIKE"to
    different posts. I'm amazed
    that just as I thought a widow
    had moved on, she stayed on,
    to help a new member. In this
    case, Dallas ( "Deejay") , from
    Australia, welcoming and giving
    comfort to Kritti, of Oregon.
    I've enjoyed private emailing
    with Georgine, of S.C., and Sue,
    from South Africa. DEB showed
    me that it's easy to click on
    " Start a Conversation", and to
    check off box that keeps out
    others in a private talk. DEB
    did that when the GIC system
    had to be rebooted, and I was
    lonely, angry , & sad that I
    could no longer "talk" with my
    friends.I consider you my
    colonel , to my general, among
    The Grief Warriors ( TGW). You
    honored & flattered me by
    calling me The Godfather ,
    bringing the family together.
    Brother George has guided me
    through my medical scare of
    low kidney function. My doctor
    said that with a change in diet,
    and exercise ( dancing!!)", I may
    be able to avoid the dialysis ,
    which George has to endure to
    stay alive, or at least , delay it.
    On Mon - Wed nights , I go to
    bed earlier , bc I'm out dancing
    with female friends the other
    nights. Linda would have wanted for me to be healthy and
    happy. We had that talk when
    she became ill. She even wanted
    me to find another woman, but
    I'm not actively seeking, do not
    want to get married again, but
    can't say never to another
    relationship. It's just not a
    priority for me now, but my
    health is. Good night , my
    brothers and sisters. Lou
    Gary166, DEB321 and eyepilot13 like this.
  16. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    Hey thar The Lou... I always keep on going the best I can... been somewhat depressed and not in a great mood this past week; but seeing you and BroGar on GIC does lift my spirits a bit! I am so tired... I will try to do a painting today. I am glad your diet and exercise endeavors could keep you off of Dialysis... Last night was a grueling 4 hours to say the least. Those giant needles in my arm for four hours can be painful! Keep jiving the Boogie dude!
    Gary166, DEB321 and Van Gogh like this.
  17. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    Overall I am doing better but I'm still so exhausted and unmotivated at times. At least now I can go for a walk to interesting fun places. The peaceful park (even with screaming playing kidz) is still so nice and real not like that phony concrete aparatamant complex! Now I want to listen to some LZepp! Take care and keep on with the truck, truck, truckin me Bro!
    Gary166, DEB321 and Van Gogh like this.
  18. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Oh, shit! The giant needles and
    pain are so scary, BroGeo. You
    are so brave. That's why we
    call you the UGW. I've mentioned
    a friend, a Vietnam veteran, my
    age, who's on dialysis. He used
    to joke with me that he wanted
    a kidney from me. He never
    does anymore since I told him
    about my very low functioning
    ones. He has a Purple Heart.
    After surviving Vietnam, he will
    do anything to keep on living,
    like you, George. Lou T.
    Gary166, DEB321 and eyepilot13 like this.
  19. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    Dialysis sux but it keeps you alive to go for walks, listen to music, and do art. I think I'll do a painting for Wednesday Art Therapy!
  20. Countess Joy

    Countess Joy Well-Known Member

    Happy Wednesday
    Gary166, RLC, DEB321 and 2 others like this.