Loss my beloved wife of 14 years on June 22nd from a sudden illness. I am lost and although I have wonderful family and friends I still ache from the loss and just want it all to be a bad dream.
I lost my wonderful husband of 52 years and know just exactly how you feel. I try to stay active with family and friends but seem to becoming depressed and can't seem to find a way out.
It is hard to know what to say. My wife of 14 years and I were both bi and poly, which made so many things easier in the relationship arena. My wife died May 4 2017, and the only thing that kept me from going after her was taking 3 months of short-term disability, and finding a great grief-support group. It seems like having people to talk to who don’t try to hurry my process has allowed me to get into the process and find little glimmers of equilibrium.
Katina, Etta, and Wolf, sometimes words are so hard to explain how each of us have been so profoundly affected by our loss. Words can be shallow without meaning, but when you also share your loss, your words are now so strong, so easy to understand. We each have had loss, in my life I have see so many losses, my wife was the one that took me from reality and made me realize, that I will forever no longer have her to hold, share those quiet times, laugh with her, and have so many hugs, kisses, and moments we can't talk with. My children are hurt of course, they keep it deep inside them, but you can peer into their eyes and see that tear start form as we talk of Nadine. Sure I hug my sons, we might cry together, and spend some silent times together. My marriage lasted 42 years, she went away almost 5 years ago. I keep a painting on her on the wall closest to my room, and I pass it each day, it is as if a magnet grabs me and holds me place. I don't think I will ever get beyond her loss. Though each of us are strangers, we share our loss, and our love for the one(s) we each have lost. I posted this another thread, but I wanted you to see a video of my wife. Please press the button under my wife's picture titled Play Tribute Movie https://www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/auburn-me/nadine-hughes-6409908 I hope each of you will find a way forward in life. Please take the time to heal inside. david