So Alone

Discussion in 'Loss of Spouse' started by eyepilot13, Aug 6, 2023.

  1. kelso

    kelso Well-Known Member

  2. DEB321

    DEB321 Well-Known Member

    Louster T

    You made me blush, but, and this is another one of those really BIG!!! BUTS!!!, it's okay! Just as I finished the first sentence, my chrome book crashed, but, and this is another one of those really BIG!!! BUTS!!!, it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.(I HATED Mr. Rogers, and always will, lol!!! What the F made me think of this expression???) I was able to get it up and running, immediately after it crashed. I have a love/hate relationship with modern technology.

    Before I begin rambling on and on and on, something as I know you know, could easily happen, getting back to your post, I'm clueless as to which one of TGW came up with UGW. I thought it was either you or Gary, but regardless of who came up with it, it fits George perfectly. However, if you think I should be an assistant UGW to George, then so should you, and the rest of our GIC "family." We've all endured lots of sh*t on top of suffering from the very worst kind of heartbreak imaginable. It SUCKS!!!

    However, in spite of all the obstacles thrown at us, no matter how many times Mr. G (variety is the spice of life) tries to drown us in our own tears, TGW find ways to overcome all those obstacles, and will always BE!!! stronger than Mr. Grief!!!, TUTTAM!!! Together, we CAN!!! and WILL!!! continue to move forward in this journey, a journey I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy!!!, helping each other when we fall and stumble along the way, happy for each other when one of us enjoys a particularly good day, in this totally F*CKED UP, bittersweet world, we've been thrown into. (A run on at it's finest!!!, but it's okay!!! George forgave me for these a long time ago. If you read this George, thank you!!!)

    Louster T, wrapping things up, you are the one who brought TGW together, got us to open up to each other, and become life long friends. You are the very best Godfather ever!!!, TUTTAM!!! I think you were also the first one who got us to lol together, sharing some fun moments, in between all the sad moments... It's so important to cherish each and every good moment, every lol moment, because it's these times that help us remember that life can still be good, even if every day is laced with tears.

    Love you, Lou, but, and this is the last very BIG!!! BUT!!! for now, "not in any sort of creepy way," a phrase I adopted from you. I'm looking forward to seeing where every one of TGW will be a year from now. TGW are the absolute best!!!, TUTTAM!!!

    As you can see, even though variety is the spice of life, in some ways, I'm a creature of habit, totally stuck on TUTTAM!!! and SUCKS!!!, lol... Better stop here, before I do what I do best, ramble on and on and on, until I bore you, and anyone else who might read this, to tears, lol... I can (almost) hear Bob saying, "That's my woman!!!," lol...

    Today is a good day. It is the first time I've been able to repeat one of Bob's sayings without being teary eyed. I hope your day is off to a good start...

    Keep on dancing Lou T.

    Hugs and love, wishing you peace, all of us peace. Debster & Skyester
    eyepilot13, Rose69 and Van Gogh like this.
  3. kelso

    kelso Well-Known Member

    why dont i gets hugs
    eyepilot13 likes this.
  4. kelso

    kelso Well-Known Member

    i havent been home on staturday for a few weeks not gettin it together. soo alone
    eyepilot13 likes this.
  5. kelso

    kelso Well-Known Member

    this has been one of my worst days. my first sat not working. i worked 4 sat in a rw but now not needed. no one to talk to no where to go i am a MESS
    eyepilot13 likes this.
  6. kelso

    kelso Well-Known Member

    no chat here all weekend
    eyepilot13 likes this.
  7. Sweetcole

    Sweetcole Well-Known Member

    Hey Rose I wanted to wish you a Happy Belated Birthday. I no special occasions are not the same but I hope you enjoyed it as best you could.
  8. Rose69

    Rose69 Well-Known Member

    Thank you, Sweetcole, that's very kind of you. I spent the day at home quietly, with my children. I'm glad this month is almost over, but on the other hand I'm not, because it means Summer will be over soon.
    Hugs to you.
  9. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Rose, woke up from weird
    dream ( most of mine are, but
    not the sad hug Linda dreams
    I had before). It's the middle of
    night here, and it's comforting
    to see you & Nicole "talking".
    Nicole wrote after I went to
    sleep. Being a mother, she doesn't get as much sleep as I
    do, being a retired older man.
    As I told Kelly ( Heyhoney)
    earlier , in the evening, I get
    great joy from fast dancing with
    my friends.When I danced outside at a rock band concert
    tonight, I got lost in the music,
    and didn't feel old at all. I was
    unhibited, dancing in front of the band. I wasn't self conscious.
    My trick was not to look at the
    crowd , sitting in lawn chairs on
    the grass. Rose, I promised myself that I wouldn't get depressed about the end of
    summer, and to enjoy all the
    seasons, even the cold winter
    one. We have live music inside
    all year. I didn't have the female
    friends with whom to dance, the
    2 years after Linda died, and I
    complained on GIC about the long cold New England winters
    here. But, things have changed.
    There are new places where to
    dance, and I have more friends,
    both male and female. I learned
    I can enjoy life ( and dancing!)
    without drinking, like I did all my life. Glad I could say hello from across the sea. Now. I can
    go back to sleep. "See" you soon,
    Rose. Lou Travolta
    RLC, cjpines, eyepilot13 and 2 others like this.
  10. kelso

    kelso Well-Known Member

    not sure why no one chats with me
    RLC, eyepilot13 and Rose69 like this.
  11. Rose69

    Rose69 Well-Known Member

    Hi Lou, it sounds like you live in a perfect town, indoor live music during the cold seasons and outdoor live music all Summer, all this dancing is definitely doing you good. Like you, I don't believe much in coincidences, I'm sure that Linda is "arranging" all this for you to make sure you are living your life to the full, enjoying what you love, just like you say she wanted you to. I'm so happy for you, you really deserve this.
    I understand about weird dreams Lou, it's as if our sleep patterns have been completely revolutionalised (strange word to choose, I know, but can't think of a better one!) and also our dreams have become more nonsensical. Mine also alternate often with those beautiful hug dreams. I admire your determination not to get depressed, that's a real inspiration for me, thank you.
    Rainy, windy day today, a break from the heatwave, but this unstable weather should be all over by Thursday when we'll have our normal Summer back.
    Keep dancing Lou Travolta alias Il padrino(The Godfather).
  12. Rose69

    Rose69 Well-Known Member

    Hello Kelso, at the moment I think I'm one of very few members who are awake, it's 11am here.
    We are all here at different times because of all our time differences.
    I hope you're not having trouble sleeping, I know very well the feeling, I need to take a little anxiety meds to help me relax, otherwise I wouldn't sleep at all. Have you considered that? I'm no expert to give medical advice, of course, just a thought, you should always ask your family doctor first.
    eyepilot13 and Van Gogh like this.
  13. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Wow, Rose, slept late this morning, 'til almost 9( !! ) , bc
    old ( but only chronologically)
    Lou Travolta must get his rest!
    You, DEB, Karen, Robin, Georgine, Kelly, Bernadine,
    Patti, and other women here
    ( so sorry if I left anyone out),
    are like my "other soulmates".
    Since Linda & I were on the
    same page about people, she
    would have loved all of you
    for your kindness, and your
    good sense of humor in spite
    of your tremendous grief,and
    all of you would have loved
    Linda. She would've had fun
    with my female dance partners,
    bc she loved dancing herself. I
    got choked up when you said
    she was "arranging" all this for
    me. That made me feel good,
    bc I finally overcame the guilt
    that we didn't dance more. She
    would laugh at the fact that I
    dance with many married
    women, while their husbands
    just sit at outside tables,
    drinking. I have to be careful
    when I'm smiling & making eye
    contact with these women, that I
    shake hands with their husbands. I dance only fast
    dances with them,and occasionally their dull husbands
    will dance a romantic slow one
    with their wives. I want to shake
    these men and ask," don't you
    realize you have a beautiful,
    loving woman in front of you?".
    Yes, the residents of my friendly
    small town are grateful for living by the sea, as I am. Linda grew up here & loved the ocean.
    I was born & raised in another
    town by the sea, and we met in
    the city. After working in the
    hot inland city, I am so grateful
    to God that we could retire to
    the same area where Linda
    grew up, and that she was able
    to see the ocean again before
    she went into the hospital and
    then, the rehab unit of a nursing
    home. I'll stop here, bc my eyes
    are tearing up. The sun is
    shining, and I want to say a prayer of gratitude to God that I'm still alive, and living in this
    beautiful place. I know I've said
    this many times on GIC, but
    after Linda's sudden, shocking
    death not quite 5 years ago, I
    take nothing for granted . The
    Godfather was one of my
    favorite movies. Yes, their
    crimes were terrible, but their
    family loyalty and the use of
    the beautiful Italian language
    made the movie , for Linda &
    me, and we saw it several times.
    Lou T., Il padrino
    RLC, Sweetcole, cjpines and 2 others like this.
  14. kelso

    kelso Well-Known Member

    this is not a normal summer 4 me
  15. kelso

    kelso Well-Known Member

    alone here alone in life