So Alone

Discussion in 'Loss of Spouse' started by eyepilot13, Aug 6, 2023.

  1. kelso

    kelso Well-Known Member

    i had no idea at this time last year it wuld be like this.
    Rose69 and Van Gogh like this.
  2. kelso

    kelso Well-Known Member

    what is tuttam ?
    Rose69 and Van Gogh like this.
  3. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Bruce, glad you asked. My good
    friend, DEB, comes up with
    funny expressions to lighten our
    understably dark mood of grief
    for our soulmates. Her initials
    represent " Total
    Understatement to the Absolute
    Max" , which she uses for
    emphasis. It's really good to see
    you "talking" with Deb, George,
    and others. Sometimes, if I'm
    too tired to reply, I add "LIKE" to
    a post, to show I'm reading them.
    Hope you sleep well tonight,
    Bruce. Lou
    Rose69 likes this.
  4. Rose69

    Rose69 Well-Known Member

    Lou, I'm doing that at the moment, just putting "likes", as I'm particularly mentally tired this month, I think I've mentioned why. Mr Grief has a real hold on me, I'm on autopilot, can't think, can't function, a "zombie" really, feeling extra sorry for myself. Waking up to reading all your posts has given me a boost to "get off of my axxxx" and get a move on. Sorry Deb, I just HAD to steal that great expression you used in a recent post, it's perfect!
    I will now go and fetch my mosquito spray pump and spray repellent all over my front and back yards, so I can at least get some nature therapy, even if it's only in the early mornings, going through another 100s heatwave! Out here in the country we're a bit better off than those who live in town and I'm not complaining actually, I prefer this extreme weather to that extremely dreadful rainy Summer we had last year.

    A peaceful night to all my friends.
    Van Gogh likes this.
  5. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    Yeah just don't look. Valerie's last wish for me was to be happy... I feel like such a failure in this!
    Van Gogh likes this.
  6. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    George, like Valerie's words to
    you about trying to be happy,
    Linda made me promise to try
    to do the same. I know it's
    extremely hot & humid for you to walk outside your door, but I
    think you'll feel better when you
    can.I recall that after you moved
    to your new place, you enjoyed
    walking the neighborhood. Sadly, you didn't have more time
    to enjoy it, bc your son moved
    out of state, leaving you alone
    with no one with whom to talk.
    Though not in person, there's
    always someone here ready to
    "talk" with you. Brother Lou
    Rose69 and eyepilot13 like this.
  7. kelso

    kelso Well-Known Member

    i am not happy. worried yep
    eyepilot13 likes this.
  8. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    Again I thank you for reaching out to me... You deal with adversity with a lot of energy and stamina! I do not know what is wrong with me the past month! I can't shake this eternal brain fog and so much anxiety. It is shutting me down! Unfortunately I cannot be shut down cuz I have too many hard and nasty and messy responsibilities now living on my own. I feel totally paralyzed and freak out about doing anything. I should do stuff. I won't let myself do stuff! Everything is just too exhausting and scary. I feel like such a hopeless mess!
    Rose69 and Van Gogh like this.
  9. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    Thanks man... I am not doing good! At least it cooled off. The heat was miserable. I just don't have the energy and enthusiasm to walk much lately. Glad to know I have a Bro in you! Thanks!
    Rose69 and Van Gogh like this.
  10. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    I'm trying to pull myself together today... not working! It was bitchin' but you did the right thing!
  11. kelso

    kelso Well-Known Member

    geo call me tonite after 9 ok ?
    eyepilot13 likes this.
  12. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    9 your time or mine?
  13. kelso

    kelso Well-Known Member

    how come nobody send me hugs. i need one,
    eyepilot13 likes this.
  14. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    I would give you a million hugz... sending them now!
  15. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    I feel like such a F*d up mess! I'm so tired of this!
    Rose69 and Van Gogh like this.
  16. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    I HATE the way I had to watch her DIE! No one gets it, I feel. I don't think sudden death is any fun either! I watched her suffer for 2 and a half years! I'm so done with everything. I have no-one, no friends (except GIC GWs) , no love, no life! I watched her go from a fun cranky vibrant person into a NOTHING! Evil black Kancer Vomit in endless pails all night. I'd rub her back and say silly things to her... I miss her so Much! I am full of self-pity and self-hate because of this. It is DEEPLY rooted.. Therapists don't know shit! I am sick of endless fkng platitudes! NO ONE CARES! or gets my lacerated heart (except fellow GWS).
    Rose69 and Van Gogh like this.
  17. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    George, I fell asleep after dinner,
    & just woke up at 9:30, my time,
    and read your anguished cry. I
    am so very sorry. You will get no
    platitudes from me . Strange
    thing is that right before I
    collapsed into bed, I had a sharp
    pain of shoulda guilt. Should I
    have acted sooner, when it
    was Linda , who collapsed, then
    soon died?I thought about it,
    and know that if I were the one who saw Linda's lips turn blue,
    and not answer me, like the
    nurses did in the end, I would be
    so horrified that I couldn't live
    with myself. I know you think
    grief counselors suck, and many
    do. But, I was lucky to have an
    empathetic one. She said the
    important thing is that Linda
    knew I loved her, and was with
    her. As hellish as it was, deep
    down somewhere, Valerie knew
    that about you, too. Now, I have to take my pills , bc I still want
    to live. Will be "talking" with you
    again soon. Brother Lou
    Rose69 and eyepilot13 like this.
  18. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    Thanks LouBro... I am trying so hard to pull myself together... In a way I can't help but feel it was all my fault because I was a sucky husband.. I know this is crazy! But deep inside me this will not go away... Talked to Bruce.. It really helps me to talk on the phone. I really hate texting I realize!! Found a place with Live music within walking distance. Too chickenShit to go yet. They have Open Mike and Art nights.. of course at dialysis times! But I'm too chickenShit to go anyway! I Suk! Thanks Bro... glad you are there for me! I feel so alone...
    Van Gogh and Rose69 like this.
  19. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    Eating a can of Chicken and Dumplins.. I Think about the Homemade C&D I used to get from Valerie!
    Van Gogh and Rose69 like this.
  20. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    George. Just woke up from weird dream, in which I was fighting
    with people I didn't lnow. As
    usual, I checked GIC and was
    pleased you responded to me.
    2 things struck me:1st, please
    go to Open Mic.You have nothing to lose, and it may take you out of your doldrums for a while ,
    and 2nd, I miss Linda's cooking.
    too, but she taught me one thing
    which I do. She'd be proud of
    me. Other times , I say screw it,
    and make a tuna or PB&J
    sandwich. Now,back to sleep.
    Hope you can , too. Bro Lou