Saturday Nights are killing me.

Discussion in 'Loss of Spouse' started by CancerSign64, Jul 2, 2023.

  1. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    DEB: Karen & Patti were the
    first ones to welcome me to
    GIC. Robin was the one to
    persuade me to stay, when I
    was about to quit bc of my
    anger, frustration, and "foggy
    widowed brain",as you so
    cleverly call it, that I couldn't
    navigate this site. I had to reach
    out to Karyn Arnold, the
    founder of GIC , for help, and
    she kindly & patiently did. Then around Halloween one year ,
    the GIC system had to be
    rebooted, and I lost contact
    for days from my friends
    here ( my friends on this site
    were closer to me than those
    outside). I was furious. & emailed Karyn, asking her if
    the glitch were a Halloween
    prank, which was a nasty thing
    to say, but I was frustrated,
    angry, depressed , and lonely.
    Karyn said it was NOT a
    "prank" & that her tech team
    was doing a rebooting. A fellow
    Grief Warrior contacted me by
    private email.so that if GIC
    ever went dark again ( which it
    does from time to time),I will
    have a lifeline. I wish we could
    all get together & have a group
    hug, like they did on the last
    episode of The Mary Tyler
    Moore Show! Lou T.
    Rose69 likes this.
  2. Sweetcole

    Sweetcole Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry for your loss. You definitely described grief right there is nothing that can directly show or tell us how to go through it. There are books and things that can help ease some through it but we're all on the same journey just taking different paths. There is no guarantee what works for one will work for the other but it good being able to express ourselves because we never no who we're helping. You can’t get to George physically right now but there will be times that you'll feel him with you. Some of the same memories that make you sad right now will with time make you smile. Take deep breaths cause it will be overwhelming sometimes like you can't catch your breath. It's been 3 years since my Gant left and I still sometimes want to.wake up from.the nightmare. Our kids are my motivation to keeping moving. I pray you continue to get stronger with each passing day.
    Rose69 and Van Gogh like this.
  3. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    George, I think you really are
    a younger brother, bc we
    use the same language when
    having to listen to non stop
    talking A-hole loudmouths: We
    want to scream SHUT THE
    F**K UP! As Robin says, she
    moves away when that happens,
    but you were trapped in that
    torture chamber with that
    "inconsiderate turd" as Linda
    called annoying people who
    bothered us-- to their face! She
    was feistier than I was, & didn't
    put up with any crap.She told
    off young parents of screaming
    brats, when they wouldn't
    take their toddlers outside a restaurant, where we were
    trying to have a quiet meal. If
    we had children, we never
    would've let that happen. That's
    not how we grew up. Brother
    George. vent to us anytime.
    Not one of us has to go through
    dialysis like you do. I have
    low functioning kidneys, as
    you know. and I'm doing
    everything I know to prolong my
    life and avoid, or at least, delay
    dialysis as long as I can: a new
    renal diet, exercise ( walking,
    and now joyful dancing!). As
    the Ultimate Grief Warrior
    ( UGH), George, you have
    given me diet tips to deal
    with declining kidney power ,
    and I'm deeply grateful.
    An aging Louis Travolta
    Rose69 likes this.
  4. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    DEB: Karen & Patti were the
    first ones to welcome me to
    GIC. Robin was the one to
    persuade me to stay, when I
    was about to quit bc of my
    anger, frustration, and "foggy
    widowed brain",as you so
    cleverly call it, that I couldn't
    navigate this site. I had to reach
    out to Karyn Arnold, the
    founder of GIC , for help, and
    she kindly & patiently did. Then around Halloween one year ,
    the GIC system had to be
    rebooted, and I lost contact
    for days from my friends
    here ( my friends on this site
    were closer to me than those
    outside ).A fellow Grief Warrior
    contacted me by private email
    so that if GIC ever went dark
    again ( which it does from time
    to time) that the kind person
    could be my lifeline. I love
    all of you in your distinct styles
    of writing:DEB'S "books" (!!!!),Gary's sometimes moving
    & sometimes funny posts, Karen
    ( or as I call her, Ms. Hum), for
    her witty & wise one liners,
    George, for his unique wild
    spelled , humorous wordplay,
    and more.... Lobsterman Lou
    Rose69 and cjpines like this.
  5. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    P.S. Not sure why I called you
    EB with a funny green emoji,
    Rose69 likes this.
  6. cjpines

    cjpines Well-Known Member

    G, don't they have recliners for clients to sit in comfortably? A hard chair seems unacceptable for that long of time.
    Van Gogh and Rose69 like this.
  7. Rose69

    Rose69 Well-Known Member

    No, you're not exaggerating at all, George. How can they get away with treating a patient that way? Absolutely unacceptable, so sorry you had to go through this.
    We're all here for you.
    Take care of yourself.
    Van Gogh likes this.
  8. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Ms.Hum,I agree with you about
    the chairs,and what's up with
    the loud volume of TVS &
    loud voices in the next chair?
    That's not permitted in a
    room at a hospital, so why in
    the dialysis center? My doctor's
    office has soft, soothing music
    and a fish tank. both reducing
    stress & the high blood pressure
    to which George was subjected.
    Rose69 likes this.
  9. cjpines

    cjpines Well-Known Member

    Yes agree. George, can you take a pillow or something soft?
    Rose69 and Van Gogh like this.
  10. Kim Elizabeth

    Kim Elizabeth Well-Known Member

    Jeffrey, Thank you for
  11. Kim Elizabeth

    Kim Elizabeth Well-Known Member

    Van Gogh likes this.
  12. Kim Elizabeth

    Kim Elizabeth Well-Known Member

    Saying A Happy Hello to those who have liked my posts. Checking in to say "I am thinking of You". Happy Friday!
  13. Kim Elizabeth

    Kim Elizabeth Well-Known Member

    Countess Joy and Van Gogh like this.
  14. Kim Elizabeth

    Kim Elizabeth Well-Known Member

    To another George, Just checking into with those who have liked my Posts to others. I am her to listen. I may not answer immediately, as I work to support myself and my Pups. I have no income except what I work. But I will get back to you as soon as I can. I am hoping that you are well George. Take Care. Kim Elizabeth
    eyepilot13, Van Gogh and Rose69 like this.
  15. RLC

    RLC Well-Known Member

    I love that you have fur babies that love you unconditionally and keep you company. I have Teddy my little dachshund and my daughters dachshund, Slinky is over often too. Teddy is the best company a d support I could ever ask you. Kim Elizabeth don’t worry when you can answer, there’s. no pressure.
    ❤️ Robin
    eyepilot13, Rose69 and Van Gogh like this.
  16. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    That's so kind of you! I appreciate this friendly message after another grueling session of dialysis!
    Van Gogh and Sweetcole like this.
  17. Kim Elizabeth

    Kim Elizabeth Well-Known Member

    I am so Grateful to you for taking the time to read my post and even more happy that you shared your thoughts with Me. I am struggling every day to keep myself from falling apart. Profound Sadness. All I can say is that. I am just finishing a double shift at the Nursing
    Rose69, Van Gogh and eyepilot13 like this.
  18. Kim Elizabeth

    Kim Elizabeth Well-Known Member

    Home where I work.....So I will talk to you a little later. I am very interested in hearing your experience in becoming a Widow.
    Rose69, Van Gogh and eyepilot13 like this.
  19. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    I am not having a real good day I am almost always so tired and unmotivated. My son just moved away so I am truly alone. I was there for Valerie for two and a half years as she became very sick with the terminal LipoSarcoma and died in February of '21. Some days are better but inside I am devastated, hurt wounded, traumatized... I used to want the time to do stuff I liked. Now I really don't like much of anything. Oh, I try to do art and get out and walk but today everything seems too hard. I lost my career as a teacher because of kidney disease in 2016 and since Valerie died I feel like this utter worthlessness and am blank inside a lot. Self care is a never-ending struggle. I thought I got past some of the worst of the depression but it keeps on coming back. All one can do is keep going on and trying.
    cjpines, Rose69 and Van Gogh like this.
  20. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Brother George. the younger
    brother I never had: we take
    care of each other. I'm always
    here for you,even if I don't
    respond right away ( we are in
    a one hour different time zone,
    your Illinois to my Massachusetts). When my blood tests showed I had a low
    kidney function, I was very
    depressed & couldn't sleep, bc
    I expected worst, dialysis like
    you have. But, both you & my
    doctor said that I keep to a
    special renal diet & exercise,
    I can avoid, or , at least delay
    dialysis. He said my dancing
    ( and the joy it gives me to
    hug &dance with my female
    friends, & even strangers), is
    better than walking. I really
    hope you will become less
    isolated, & you can take more
    walks in your new neighborhood. Lou
    cjpines, Rose69 and Sweetcole like this.