I am new to this group. My mom passed away May 16, 2019 due to failure to thrive and a stroke while she was in hospice because I refused to do a food intake making the decision on her behalf as her health proxy and power of attorney while she was located in Buffalo, NY. While I reside in Raleigh, NC. I have been attending therapy and am a therapist myself. I know what the grieving process looks like and what I am supposed to be doing. But my PTSD, depression, and anxiety are getting in the way of moving forward. You see my mother was schizophrenic for many years and I was her main care giver who reversed my role to show my mother what a mother was supposed to take care of her child looked like because of the abuse that she allow my father to do to me for several years. Now i have processed alot of my trauma from my childhood with therapy but is there anyone in this group that has a similar situation that could relate to me or am I in the wrong type of group and please direct me to the right form of group that would be more beneficial. Thank so much in advance.