Lost my brother at the age of 25. Je overdosed on heroin. I have a daughter now that I named after him. It kills he is not here to meet her. He was my best friend and it hurts that he is not here.
I'm so sorry for your loss. My younger brother was here staying with my family for the last year. He had been clean for 8 years. His Dad died from CoVid at the end of July and I guess he was hurting more than we knew. He left here on 8/14 to go back up north and on 8/15 his friend found him dead of an accidental overdose of heroin. It's been just over a month and I am still having trouble accepting it. I'm depressed and have no motivation to do anything. He was my best friend and I feel like half of me is gone. I know it hurts. I hope you are getting along ok. I will keep you in my thoughts Please keep me in yours. When we lost our Mom I thought that was the hardest day of my life until this. It's devastating and didn't have to happen.
I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my brother two months ago to fentanyl that he thought was cocaine. I'm so angry and sad. It hurts and feels like it could have just not happened so simply. He was my inspiration and he was the coolest person. I hope you are doing okay. People say it gets better, so we can try and hold on to that. Sending love to you
I lost my only sibling, my brother, to a heroin overdose in November. I was 32, he was 30. We had no idea he had a heroin problem. He was in the UK on a work visa, just exploring and living life. He died alone, without any of us when they took him off life support. I wish I could hug you. I feel so empty and scared without him here.