Loss of my husband

Discussion in 'Loss of Spouse' started by Kmcgilton1, Apr 1, 2022.

  1. Countess Joy

    Countess Joy Well-Known Member

  2. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Bernadine, your advice is excellent. I
    would add that I go to sleep the same
    time every night & wake up the same
    time every morning, observing the
    circadian rhythm, also. It's great never
    having to use an alarm clock , or
    depend on Melatonin, or possibly
    addictive sleeping pills. I noticed that
    your reply was longer than your usual
    posts. Welcome to my world of writing
    "books" , as Deb would say! Lou
    Gary166, Patti 61 and Kmcgilton1 like this.
  3. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Wow, Bernadine, you're on a roll ( along
    with your advice about sleeping). Thank
    you, as always. Lou
    Patti 61 and Kmcgilton1 like this.
  4. Countess Joy

    Countess Joy Well-Known Member

    Maggie gets me up every morning so that part is covered!
    Going to sleep is harder, I mostly just don’t want to.
    It means the next day will arrive.
    Another day without Kenn.
    The longer I stay up, the more I avoid his absence.
    But I do set myself a “lights out” alarm on my phone as I agree, Lou that is so helpful to the body’s internal clock.

    My friends and family would agree, I can really crank things out when I get a flow going. I had said earlier I didn’t have anything to add on sleep but, I guess I had some thoughts after all, lol.

    That little poster is from Refuge in Grief, it’s Megan Devine’s site. I follow her on instagram. She’s the author of the book George is reading “It's OK That You're Not OK” & also wrote “How to Carry What Can't be Fixed” I really like her perspectives on grief.
    Kmcgilton1, Dreary and Van Gogh like this.
  5. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Well, Bernadine, after all my blather, I
    just woke up at 1am , from a dream. I
    couldn't fall back to sleep, as I usually do,
    so I'm drinking BIGELOW Sweet Dreams
    Herbal Tea (caffeine free) with chamomile.
    I know it sounds like a TV commercial, but
    I like the BIGELOW teas from Connecticut.
    I love that I can get on GIC, & usually find a
    West Coast friend, like you, Karen, or
    Debra. I like your writing & I'm inspired by
    your Refuge in Grief site. Thank you. Lou
    Dreary likes this.
  6. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Bernadine, I just reread this attachment,
    at 1:30am, my time, bc I woke up from a
    dream. As I just said in another reply to
    your other post on sleeping, I'm relaxing,
    drinking herbal tea & will go back to
    sleep. I'm proud of myself , after 3&a half
    years of mourning for Linda, that I'm
    doing all the things mentioned ( except
    the driving one, bc I choose not to have a
    car). Thanks again! Lou
    Countess Joy and Dreary like this.