It has been almost two weeks. My husband suffered a heart attack. I have so many questions. Do you not feel like cooking any more? Do you seem like your in a dream and can't wake up? I have deep faith in God and truly believe he is in heaven. Why am I so sad?
So sorry for your loss! It's been 2 years for me and I still have to make myself cook. I haven't cooked any of his favorite foods. I have tried but end up crying so I change the menu. Don't like to go out to eat by myself but I am doing that now. Miss him everyday. I think I am doing well and then something happens, anniversary, birthday, holiday and it seems like I am back to square one. It is definitely one day at a time and a lot of prayers. I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for God's love and his protection. I will remember you in my prayers because I do understand!!