Losing my Mom.

Discussion in 'Loss of a Parent' started by Grilor, May 2, 2024.

  1. Grilor

    Grilor New Member

    Tomorrow will be 1 month. I am in shock. I feel waves of grief. It is the first thing that pops in my mind when I wake up. My mama had a small breast cancer found on a routine mammogram in December 2023. She had surgery for this in January. We were told it was tiny. She's going to do great. We had 5 rounds of radiation in March. She developed COVID during this and became short of breath. After a couple of trips to the doctor right before Easter and no improvement with the shortness of breath. We went to the hospital. She was in atrial fibrillation. This led to scanning for a blood clot. She did have a blood clot. While doing this scan, she was found to have a large mass on her kidney, a small one on her lung and a small one on her spine. She made the decision for comfort care. She was gone 5 days later.
    Chris M 2000, Blueboy and MICHAEL2023 like this.
  2. Chris M 2000

    Chris M 2000 Well-Known Member

    I am very sorry about the unexpected loss of your mother. It is a shocking thing to happen so quickly when you expected her to recover. Your mother was veyr special to you and you are now walking down the path of grief.
    It is a painful walk and not to be rushed. Be good to yourself. Take good care of yourself.
    Try to get out for short walks to get fresh air and see nature. God's beautiful creation helps in our healing.
    The scriptures say, "Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might."
    When you are weak, remember that your strength will come from Jesus who loves you with an everlasting love.
    He will help you when you can't help yourself.
    I care about you.
    MICHAEL2023 likes this.
  3. Grilor

    Grilor New Member

    Chris, thank you. It was so sweet of you to reply. I do pray a lot about my grief and especially my Daddy. I worry about him so much. He has been so upset and lost. My husband is so sweet and supportive. I sometimes think I can't talk about it enough. I just want to take the hurt away for Daddy and myself.
    Chris M 2000 likes this.
  4. Chris M 2000

    Chris M 2000 Well-Known Member

    In the beginning of this grief walk, our loss is all we can think about.
    I am so glad to hear that your husband is supportive. Sometimes it is hard for others, even in the family, to really understand why we are grieving so much. I am so thankful that is not the case with your husband. You are blessed.
  5. Blueboy

    Blueboy New Member

    I feel your pain I lost my mom on this last mothers day it is the most gut wrenching soul crushing experience that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. May our moms R.I.P..R.I.P.
    I know your pain I just recently lost my mother on this last mothers Day that just passed. It is the most gut wrenching Soul crushing experience. Unfortunately the worst part of life is death. We know it's going to happen but whether it was unexpected or expected you are still never prepared for it. May your mom and my mom R.I.P.
    Chris M 2000 likes this.
  6. Blueboy

    Blueboy New Member

  7. Blueboy

    Blueboy New Member

    Losing my mother was the most gut-wrenching Soul crushing experience it is something I would not wish upon my worst enemy. I recently lost my mom this last Mother's Day she went in to have a heart valve repair done and after the surgery she couldn't come off the ventilator and breathe on her own she was on the ventilator almost a month the first few days she seemed okay and then started to rapidly decline ultimately I had to make the decision to take her off it. It got to the point she was on the ventilator it was no longer helping her it was killing her. And it was causing her a lot of pain. For the whole was in the hospital I did nothing but cry and then after she went it was even worse. And I lived with my mom for 9 years when I go home now it is so hard. But I think I am starting to feel a little better I get to the point now where I have parts of the day where i'm not thinking about it and not crying so much. All I can say is hang in there cuz the light does come into the darkness eventually. May both of our momsR.I.P.
    Chris M 2000 likes this.