On November 20, 2016 my brother was tragically taken in a car accident by a woman who was driving way too fast, was texting and did not notice my brother was stopped at an intersection. He died almost instantly from the crash due to blunt force trauma. Twenty minutes prior to the accident, my brother had sent me a text. Nothing prophetic or life changing, just a simple daily text like we always exchanged each morning. I recently bought a new phone but unfortunately, the old info and texts were unable to be transferred to my new phone. I have kept my old phone because it has the last form of communication I ever received from my brother before his passing. Is it crazy to hold on to such a thing? I don't even use the phone anymore but I can't seem to let it go. My children and my husband have urged me to sell the phone or donate it, but I just can't yet. And how long is too long to hold on to something like that? I know it's a silly thing to clutch to, but that phone basically holds the last of him.
Hi Christina, I just seen your post. I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my brother about a year and a half ago, and I have all of his text messages saved I refuse to delete them! I don't think there is anything weird about it
Christina, so sorry for the loss of your brother. I too lost my brother. In my phone I had his last texts to me hours before his car accident. Last year my phone was stolen with the texts from him I was devastated, and that's and understatement. I later realized that I had uploaded all of his last texts to my laptop and was relieved. Greatly relieved. So no it is not crazy to hold on to the phone. I do not read the texts as much as i used to but it is a comfort to me to know that I have them. If you must get rid of the phone then maybe you can copy his last texts if they bring you comfort. There are things that I remember that make me sad and make me cry. But having his last texts to me brings me nothing but comfort and relaxation when I do read them. But do what is best for you.