So sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you. I've been MIA more than I've been "visiting" lately. Lonliness is one of the very worst feelings in the entire world... Sadly, loneliness is something all of TGW have in common. Right after Bob's death, I couldn't stand being in this house alone for a couple of reasons, one of them knowing I was alone..., lonely 24/7, which brought on an almost hollow feeling that came with Bob's physical absence. (The other reason is because of the traumatic and very painful circumstances surrounding the last 24 hours of Bob's life the. The last 24 hours of his life were the most horrible moments of my entire life and they began at the dinner table. Stopping here or else I'm going to get way off track!!!, TU!!!) I don't remember how long, but I know it was for at least two months after his death, I would return home from running errands, etc, and expect to see Bob sitting in his recliner. I could almost hear him saying, "Hi Deb, did you have a productive trip?," as I soon as I opened the front door. Occasionally, I still expect to see him sitting in his recliner when I open the front door. Mr. Grief always hits full force when this happens.
I HATE!!! not being able to talk to Bob!!!, TU!!! I HATE!!! not being able to share all those "inside" jokes, the things that always made us laugh, all those remember whens that no one but Bob would ever understand, those you had to be there moments..., I HATE!!! being the sole keeper of all of our private moments, all of those beautiful memories where Bob and I are the only people in them... I HATE!!! not being able to talk to him while eating dinner, not being able to share all the good, bad, funny, annoying little things that made up my day/his day... Right up there with HATING!!! to be the sole keeper of all of our private moments, I HATE!!! not being able to discuss our future plans, talk about our soon to be adventures, vacations with friends, etc., etc., etc.,... Not being able to talk to Bob about all of these things, plus so many others, everything in life, magnifies how lonely I'm feeling... I'm so lonely...,, so lost..., without Bob. I've already gone through a bunch of tissues while "talking" to you.
Having said all of this, I've gotten used to being lonely 24/7, but it SUCKS!!! It's taken me nine months to get this far. It hasn't gotten any easier, any better for me. I've just adjusted to the circumstances. I HATE!!! having to say this to you!!!, TU!!! I'm hoping and praying, not just for me, but for all of us, that this gets easier in time. Keeping busy, whenever possible, crossing things off of my to do list, is the best way for me to fight Mr. Grief, to keep Mr. Grief from attacking full force. One day, I hope and pray all of us will find the exit to Mr. Grief's amusement park. Mr. Grief will be there to unlock the gate, allowing us to escape to freedom. Maybe this is just a daydream, because I don't think there is any way to ditch Mr. Grief entirely, but and this is one of those really BIG BUTS!!!, daydreaming can be a really good thing!!!, TU!!!
As always, sending you hugs, wishing you peace, all of us peace. DEB
At times, Bob's death still seems surreal to me. I'm missing him more and more every single day. He's been gone long enough!!! I can't wrap my mind over the fact that he is going to be gone for the rest of my life, that he is NEVER coming home... I'm not sure if and when I'll ever fully be able to process this. It SUCKS!!! OTOH, while I can't say it gets any easier, any better, after nine months, I've gotten used to feeling lonely 24/7. Altt
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