It's 4:30 am, Rained all night, but I think power is OK. Hope it is for you! Wrote a book to Deb this am, so I'll stop here. Lou
Lou, I’m so sorry the hospital sent you home. I agree that you needed more time there with good care, hot food and rest.under a watchful eye. I’m glad you still have power I do too. The rain pelting the house and the wind has kept me awake most the night. I miss Ron extra on nights like this. Extra lonely , I miss him holding me and telling me we’ll be ok. I’ll be ok but it’s been a rough night. I know it’s worse for you being sick and sent home during a horrible storm. I’m hoping you’re on the mend enough to keep moving forward and feeling better. Continue to take care of yourself and feel better. Robin
First of all I am so very sorry for all of your losses. Although I didn’t lose a spouse I lost my beloved brother in law suddenly yesterday. My only sisters husband, best friend. Wonderful husband, father, brother and son. They did everything together. They have 3 grown children who are suffering as well. She is an absolute mess. Doesn’t want to be here anymore. I am suffering as well and don’t know how to be the pillar of strength for all of them.
It is never easy to be strong but humans are tougher when we give ourselves the chance. I just try to be kind to myself and try to live my values. It is not easy. I'm depressed most of the time. Grief is just so invisible and hard to accept! I wishy you much peace and calm positive thought! . Life is so doubleEdged!
I’ll say it for you Lou because I know you can not get angry in the hospital or they can ban you. THEIR COMPANY POLICY SUCKS!!! At least you know what your health situation is and you’re taking the right medication and you have Kim. Abandon yourself to God. Pray for God’s will. that’s a one stop shop. It takes the pressure off from praying a thousand different prayers. I’m praying for you too. I’m following the storm and I know you guys are taking a pounding. I wish there was some way for us to help. You have a good plan in place and you know what to do older brother. Keep the faith. I hope Patti and Deb are ok. I hope they haven’t lost their power. Deb I hope your headache has subsided. These are difficult times but we are warriors. TGW. Gary
Hey Brother! Just want to send my love and thanks for being there for us! We are there for you too. I was severely depressed Saturday but I started feeling better yesterday. Who knows what will happen today. I like the way you do stuff. Doing stuff is the best way to heal I think... I did a lot yesterday. I think that's why the depression lessened! Take care!
Lou, I’m sorry hospital policy kept you from staying one more night. Hospital stays for everything just keep getting shorter and shorter. My best friend from home refers to this as, “treat them and street them.” I’m so glad Kim picked you up, took you to get everything you need so you can continue to rest at home, don’t have to go out!!!, TU!!! I know this is way past stale!!!, TU!!!, and you already know this... Continue to get lots of rest, drink lots of fluids, and eat as many healthy foods as possible, so you can get rid of this ASAP!!! I’m very tired this morning, still in bed and want to get up. Feeling better, just over the top tired, so stopping here. Sending you hugs, wishing you peace, all of us peace. DEB
George, I was just about to put down my phone and get up when I read this. It has me smiling…. I’m glad that you’ve been keeping busy and it’s helping you feel a bit better. I hope today turns out to be even a better day than yesterday was…. I really need caffeine!!!, TU!!! Got to go… As always, sending you hugs, wishing you peace, all of us peace. DEB
Thank you, Gary. In my theory "of the darkest before the storm" , I thought of the WORST moment of my life. It wasn't a 3 week fear of Omicron, at my age of 72. No, it was what I share with all TGW, on GIC. I had been to the ER, in the middle of the night , bc I could not urinate. The female doctor and nurses told me to "relax" so they could put the catheter in. Since I didn't cooperate (!), the kind doctor came up with Plan B - a shot in the knock me out. When I came to, the deed had been done. I recognized & thanked one of the doctors from that day. I went into the hospital yesterday, with a cough. I was treated with Delsym cough medicine & Claritin. My overall prayer to God, today, is for the Antibiotics ( a week's worth) to do its' magic against UTI. A contact person called from Visiting Nurse Assoc. I have to call my health insurance to get some help with food prep, etc. It was good to hear a kind woman on the phone today. I believe Linda's spirit is with me. Lou
Thanks Deb! The depression wants to come back. I'm tired and it's cold. I just do NOT want to do anything but I know doin' stuff helps. I just don't know what I can do. It is so bleh! I keep trying... I hope you are doing ok or as much as you can! Love! George
George, All of this SUCKS!!! More I want to tell you, but now I'm beginning to get those zigzagging lines in my field of vision, so have to end this. Thinking about you..., sending lots of extra hugs, love, your way... As always, wishing you peace, all of us peace. DEB
I have to agree with others, in the hospital and out. Sucks as Deb would say. Do you have Meals-on-Wheels where you are? It's free. They will deliver, I think, two meals a day all cooked. It's worth checking into.
Deb, let me interrupt your talk with George. Good news: cough almost gone, with daily doses of Delsym cough syrup and Claritin, as an antihistamine. Bad news: bc of UTI, I feel the need to void my bladder all the time, especially when I'm drifting off to sleep at bedtime or for a late afternoon nap. I told Gary there were 3 things WORSE in my life: 1st, Linda's shocking death in front of me, 2nd, after Linda died, I had to take a taxi to ER in middle of night, bc I couldn't urinate AT ALL, and had to have a catheter, and 3rd, the UTI. I was given 3 hot meals a day in the hospital, . was feeling stronger, after the hydration & nourishment of the IV. I was surrounded by kind, friendly nurses, and one outstanding, female physician, in particular, who listened about Linda. and why I didn't want to go home alone, in the cold night yesterday. A comprimise: I was given one more hot meal, before discharge at 3pm yesterday. I was always cold, with backless gown, and needed 4 blankets. Good news at home last might and today: I'm dressed warmly in a hat with visor, under hoodie, sweatpants, warm socks & slippers, and robe. I see hope ahead, with a Visiting Nurse at my apartment tomorrow, to make sure I'm eating & sleeping properly, Kim is my emergency contact, & will continue to buy groceries for me. I'll keep self quaranteeing. When the nurse visits tomorrow. I will wear a N-95 mask. As I told Gary, I'm putting my faith in God. Lou
"Great minds think alike", Gary! Just wrote a " book" to Deb, about yesterday, so I won't repeat myself. I jumped into a conversation with Deb & George. Sadly, the Meals on Wheels dinners are loaded with high sodium, which give me headaches, as does MSG. With my Celiac Disease, I'm very careful what goes into my small intestine. One size does NOT fit all. As you said, I'm in God's hands. I may have been replying to you, Karen. Thanks for your concern,, as always. Lou
Good news Lou. A week ago while I was in the hospital 200 miles south of home waiting to take the pet ct scan I heard a couple mention they were from northeast Indiana. I remembered someone saying they had become a people person out of necessity. I went over to them and sat down ten feet away. The man was getting the same procedure as me. they lived near the neighborhood where Mom lived in Ft Wayne. It was a pleasant experience. I had friendly young women helping me too. I’m glad you got your hoodie on. Have hoodie will travel. Keep the faith. Gary
Love your "people person"story from Indiana, Gary! I believe I was one of the best patients, bc I didn't complain, and ALWAYS thanked staff, whether for an extra blanket, or prompt meal times! Lou
P.S. TWO bloopers for Karen: compromise,not "comprimise", and self quarantining, not " quaranteeing". L