Lonely, in despair, help needed

Discussion in 'Loss of Spouse' started by Daisy171, Mar 24, 2023.

  1. Daisy171

    Daisy171 Well-Known Member

    Will someone please explain what is available on this site to communicate with more members. No one is in live chat when I get there and I don't know where else to communicate.
    Rose69 and Van Gogh like this.
  2. Deborah A.

    Deborah A. Well-Known Member

    Daisy, I am here!
    Rose69 and Van Gogh like this.
  3. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Daisy, when I wanted to talk privately
    with a member, I would use the thread,
    Start a Conversation, and then, put in
    the user name of the person with whom I
    wanted contact. For example: cjpines
    ( for Karen) or Van Gogh ( for me). At
    that point, you can check off "locked box"
    and your posts will be private. I can now
    text, email, call, or send letters, to 3
    members . I'm the only one in
    Massachusetts, so I'm not getting
    together with anyone, but it's great to
    have personal contact outside Grief in
    Common ( GIC). If you have any problems,
    you can email Karyn Arnold for help. Lou
  4. Sweetcole

    Sweetcole Well-Known Member

    Hey Daisy! What is it that you're looking for ? As Lou said you can do.private conversations. If you no who you want to talk to click on their name and start a conversation with them. You can respond to posts on any thread by hitting reply under that person's message . I think chat has people in it in the mornings. You can continue to make posts and some will respond to it and you can reply back . It just depends o what you looking for. I know right now you frustrated and having someone to talk to can help. We're all here for you. Reach out which ever way is best for.you.
    Patti 67, Gary166, Rose69 and 2 others like this.
  5. Daisy171

    Daisy171 Well-Known Member

    Thank you. I am just so sad and fragile and lost right now. I will start reaching out more. I just want people to communicate with remotely.
    Patti 67, Gary166, Rose69 and 2 others like this.
  6. Deborah A.

    Deborah A. Well-Known Member

    That’s completely understandable. I do hope that you have some in-person connections too.
    Gary166, Rose69 and Van Gogh like this.
  7. Daisy171

    Daisy171 Well-Known Member

    I am starting to follow people, like you! I'm not sure what that means, but it seems like a start.
    Rose69 and Van Gogh like this.
  8. Deborah A.

    Deborah A. Well-Known Member

    It is a good place to start. ❤️
    Rose69 and Van Gogh like this.
  9. Rose69

    Rose69 Well-Known Member

    Daisy, I have clicked on "reply" just underneath your post, so you will be notified that I have replied to your particular post. Like our friends have already suggested, you can also click on "Start a conversation" with any member and message to each other privately at any time. I have a six hour time difference from you, it's 7am here now, so it's the middle of the night in NY . If you like, we could arrange to chat at a particular time when we can talk with direct, immediate responses.
    A big hug , and please know we are all here for you.
    Patti 67, Gary166 and Van Gogh like this.
  10. Gary166

    Gary166 Guest

    I know exactly what you are talking about Daisy. I could not control my emotions for at least 2 months after Cheryl transitioned. I got tired and frustrated with friends and family because I could barely carry on a conversation without balling my eyes out. So When someone would call I wouldn’t answer but text them and tell them to text me. That was the only form of communication I was comfortable with. I communicated that way for a long time. I learned in grief support to hang with the people who supported my grieving or were neutral about it. And to stay away from people who wanted to fix me or wanted me to get back to normal. That’s what makes the grief warriors here so special. Gary
    RLC, eyepilot13, Sweetcole and 5 others like this.
  11. Rose69

    Rose69 Well-Known Member

    Gary, your words are sacred, the best advice anyone could ever give to someone grieving their soulmate is to keep a distance from "non-supporters". I've eliminated contacts because of this, they just make me feel worse. The only people I can really pour my heart out to, are all of you,who understand. We just need to relate to others who "get it". That's why we're here, "together we stand", otherwise we will wobble.
    RLC, eyepilot13, JackieH1029 and 4 others like this.
  12. JackieH1029

    JackieH1029 Active Member

    Hi Daisy - I'm here. Live
    Van Gogh likes this.
  13. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Welcome, Jackie.Thank you so much for
    reaching out to a new member, Daisy, of
    Grief in Common. I'm very sorry to hear
    about the death of your wife. May I ask her
    name? I feel that it honors the soulmate's
    memory. I noticed you're over 10 yrs
    younger than I am, and live in N.Y. I live
    on the northern coast of Massachusetts .
    My wife, Linda, died suddenly in front of
    me, at 68, after 25 yrs of marriage, no
    children. That was over 4 yrs ago. I had to
    see a grief counselor at the time. She
    suggested this kind forum, but I didn't join
    until July of 2021. My regret ( though I
    try not to have too many)is that I didn't
    join earlier. I commend you for doing so.
    I hope you will join me in my band of
    brothers here: Gary, from Indiana,
    George, from Illinois, and Chad , from
    Texas. Lou
    Gary166 and Rose69 like this.
  14. Rose69

    Rose69 Well-Known Member

    Hi Lou, how are you doing? I thought I would reach out to welcome Jackie too.

    Hi Jackie, we are all here to talk to you and support you. I'm so sorry about the sudden loss of your wife, it's still early days for you and you have done the right thing joining this site. Just like Lou said, I wish I had done this earlier, I joined a year and a half after losing my husband suddenly, unexpectedly at only 57 years of age. Everyone here has been so sweet, empathetic and understanding with me and have helped me a lot in my struggle. We need to share our feelings and thoughts with other people who have experienced the same loss, others just don't "get it".
    Sending you strength.
    Rose, from Italy.
    Gary166 and Van Gogh like this.
  15. JackieH1029

    JackieH1029 Active Member

    Her name was Helen. I think I tried reaching out on a conversation. This site is a bit difficult to navigate. Not sure how to connect with Garry, George and Chad.
    eyepilot13, Gary166 and Van Gogh like this.
  16. JackieH1029

    JackieH1029 Active Member

    Thank you Rose. I'm still confused how to navigate this site/forum. But thank you for the kind welcome. I'd love to chat one on one or in a group. Just need to let my feelings out and get some emotional support. I agree that most people just don't 'get it'. As they say - it's the club no one really wants to join. But we're here and all we can do is share stories and get support.
    RLC, Gary166, Rose69 and 1 other person like this.
  17. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Rose, thanks for asking how I am, and
    welcoming Jackie. I have an idea. I'm
    already in personal contact with 2
    widower brothers and 2 widow sisters
    on Grief in Common. I would love to
    use the "Start a Conversation" thread
    with you, so we could email, text, write
    letters , & show photos of where we
    live. You and I share a love of music and
    nature, Though I jokingly refer to myself
    as Lou Travolta. with my 3 female
    dance partners, I think of Linda every
    morning, and cry occasionally, like I did
    this morning. I've decided to rejoin a
    widowed support group, which I'd left
    4 yrs ago, bc I felt uncomfortable being
    the only guy there. Now, I'll be joined by
    2 older buddies, About to "Start a
    Conversation" with you, Rose. Lou
    Gary166 and Rose69 like this.
  18. JackieH1029

    JackieH1029 Active Member

    Yeah, I'm tired of FIXERS too. And insensitive folks who want to talk about their misfortunes and troubles. They're not inconsequential - but pale in the face of death of a spouse. Stay strong. Please connect. Love to chat and share your grief in whatever way I can.
    RLC, Gary166, Rose69 and 1 other person like this.
  19. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Jackie, thank you for saying Helen's name.
    You're doing fine, with your posts and
    replies on this particular thread,
    Lonely, in despair, help needed. Gary and
    others will contact you soon. If you'd
    also like to have private , one on one,
    talks. you can use the thread: " Start a
    Conversation", and check off "lock it", so
    it will be private. I'm doing that with 2
    widowers & 2 widows on this site, as I
    just told Rose, in Italy. Lou

    eyepilot13, Gary166 and Rose69 like this.
  20. Rose69

    Rose69 Well-Known Member

    Yes, that's fine with me Lou.
    eyepilot13, Gary166 and Van Gogh like this.