Discussion in 'LGBTQ Loss' started by gail z, Apr 28, 2020.

  1. gail z

    gail z Member

    I lost my mate/best friend/spouse/life source this past March and am finding it almost unbearable to attempt to function and carry on. I am in an isolated area with no family and few friends; basically the ones I have spoken to want me to "snap out of it." If there is anyone who would like to talk and share compassion and caring, please private message me. Thank you.
  2. nvcity

    nvcity Member

  3. nvcity

    nvcity Member

    Hi Gail

    How are you feeling today? I lost my wife of 15 years in December of 2018. Six later I lost my ex of 17 years. Both to cancer. I am still grieving and the feelings of loneliness are so profound. The pandemic has compounded my grief. I was wondering how do you send a private message.
  4. gail z

    gail z Member

    Thank you for responding. I am very sorry to learn about our losses. The pandemic has also compounded my brief; my spouse died on the very day it "officially" was announced in this country. I have never lived alone in my entire life before and the isolation and aloneness is crippling. I actually do not know how someone can communicate privately on this site. If you discover a way, please let me know. Stay safe.
  5. gail z

    gail z Member

    Sorry...…...I meant YOUR losses!!
  6. Kieron

    Kieron Guest

    Gail, I think your typo is actually pretty good. :)

    There's an inbox icon in the upper right of your screen when you are logged on. if you open it, you can see these words. I believe you can probably click on someone's avatar or photo, or screen name, to start a private conversation. I haven't done it yet so I could be wrong. :)

    Conversations allow you to exchange messages with other members directly.

  7. TJones

    TJones Active Member

    Hi Gail,

    I’m sorry to hear about your loss. I’m a good listener and I have stories to share. If you want a chat-pal, message me.

  8. nvcity

    nvcity Member

    Hi Gail
    I am hoping that you are feeling a bit better. I have my decent days and my bad days. I still miss my wife. It’s been one and one half years since her passing. It is hard for me to live again. I am still grieving. I am trying to remember the happy times.
  9. Jasper

    Jasper Member

    Living in an isolated area is so difficult! I also live in an isolated area with not so many close friends. I'm sending my energies your way. I am trying to figure out how to navigate living without my husband. Each day I'm trudging through it and it's making no sense. I have nothing to say but to tell you your not alone. My words typed without presence are sketchy but I send them wanting the best for you.
  10. edj9

    edj9 Well-Known Member

    I also live in a semi rural area. The up-side is that we are a bit isolated from COVID-19. We were the first community to be tested in California. The down-side is that we are a bit isolated from everything else, too. I lost my husband just before the epidemic had garnered widespread attention, and I was just starting to develop some community connections when the shelter in place order came down. I’m an introvert by nature, but even so, with such little human contact to reflect me, I feel invisible, untethered to this existence. I struggle to keep busy with housework and keeping myself healthy. I am also try to rekindle some of the passions for my hobbies that I set aside since my husband got sick several years ago, but it seems like I’ve forgotten how to draw energy from that passion. I still want to do things, I just loose steam and sense of purpose a few minutes in.