Just lost the love of my life

Discussion in 'Loss of Spouse' started by AnnAdams, Feb 27, 2022.

  1. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Sweetcole, I'm glad my talk about the
    old phones brought back good memories
    of your grandfather. I was fortunate to
    know my loving grandparents. Even
    though they died many years ago, I
    remember their kind faces, as if it were
    yesterday. May I ask your real first
    name? If you'd rather not say, I understand. I got tired of my user name,
    Van Gogh. Lou
    Debra M and Gary166 like this.
  2. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Rita, thanks for that hole in the ground
    analogy to the grief over our soulmates'
    deaths. It really captures how I feel, in
    so many ways. When Linda died
    suddenly, in front of me, over 3 years
    ago, I didn't care if I lived or died. Now,
    I watch my health, & look both ways
    when I cross the street, bc I want to
    live. Lou
    Dreary and Debra M like this.
  3. Gary166

    Gary166 Guest

    We know exactly where Debra Rita Helena and Nancy are right now in their journey. Deb would get right to the point and tell you this sucks. TUTTAM! Combined strategies can to be used to keep Mr Grief away temporarily. I’ve had two different therapists in my grief journey. Both have suggested mindfulness. Years ago I went to a hypnotist and he taught me how to count backwards from 50 to zero concentrating only on my chest rising and falling as I breathed. It takes a lot of practice to work. Counting backwards distracts the mind and the thought process begins to slow. As the thought process slows we become aware of our 5 senses more and our thoughts less. My hypnotist explained when a computer would malfunction it was important to turn it off 5 minutes and then turn it back on. Our brains work the same way. They have to be reset also to work better. This technique is excellent for falling asleep. I do it every night. My new healer told me to go back into my childhood and recall obstacles I had to overcome. And look at other obstacles in my life that I had to overcome also. By putting this information on paper and reviewing it empowers me. I need to review this regularly or I forget. I was told to complement myself on any accomplishment. Such as; I did a good job doing the dishes, I made a good breakfast, I got most of the stuff I needed at the store, taking the walk was a good idea, I’m glad I shared that with a friend, I’m glad I didn’t take the call from so and so, ect. I just wanted to share some things that I’ve learned. Gary
  4. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Thank you, Debra, for your kind reply, as
    always. My day is starting out better
    than I thought it would. Even though I
    had some strange dreams about talking
    with people I don't know, it was a lot
    better than the "hug Linda" dream. I went
    to the American Legion for their Sat.
    open house coffee. I'm the only non
    veteran ( I had a high lottery number
    during the Vietnam war, & did not
    serve). I'm greeted warmly, bc the
    veterans know I honor their heroism.
    My closest friend there is 92, a Korean
    War vet, whose wife died after many
    years of marriage. We've formed a
    bond. There was a lot of laughter
    today, and kidding each other. We stayed
    in the hall later than usual, bc we were
    having a good time. There was a heavy
    fog ( which I like) instead of rain. I'm
    having breakfast at local place, across
    from the beach. I feel grateful to God
    to be alive, and in this beautiful place.. It's starting to rain now, but if it
    isn't too heavy, I hope to walk with my
    umbrella. It will be 50s for a while, which
    is fine, after the long, cold winter. I'm
    amazed that you have 70s temps in Ca,
    and Deb has that in South Carolina. Hope
    you have a peaceful day, too, Debra. Lou
    Debra M likes this.
  5. Sweetcole

    Sweetcole Well-Known Member

    My name name is Nicole.. my grandfather called me grandma.. lol! He was the only grandparent I knew. He was something else but crazy bout his grand children. He's been dead many years also. Im actually surprised I remember so much bout him because I was young but it just goes to show how much of an impact he made on me.

    I think its awesome to compliment yourself on things. You no how they say you got to like yourself first so complimenting yourself make sense. You're being there for others so feeling good about yourself first will help you be there for them more. Keep that up and thanks for sharing.
    Countess Joy, Dreary, Gary166 and 3 others like this.
  6. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Well, Robin, thank you & others for not
    making me feel old, reminiscing about
    phones & other things from our youth.
    Linda was a year younger than I am,
    so we shared the same cultural history,
    in music, TV shows, movies,and news.
    Linda often bemoaned a simpler, less
    crowded time, in the 1950s, when we
    grew up. I would point out that there
    were problems then, too, but we were
    children, & didn't have to deal with them.
    We were lucky with a pleasant fog, no
    rain this am. I'm in a breakfast spot
    across the street from the beach. It just
    started to rain heavily. I may think about
    staying here, using my phone, until it
    lets up. I have an umbrella, but would be
    drenched right now, even with it. Maybe
    I'll stay for lunch. I'm enjoying the blues
    music, which is quite fitting today. Lou
    eyepilot13, Gary166 and Debra M like this.
  7. Debra M

    Debra M Well-Known Member

    You're so welcome, Lou. And thank you for your kind, warm response. And I'm so glad that your day has started out better than you thought it would. And hopefully the rest of your day will continue to be good. And it is so good as well that although you had some strange dreams in which you were talking about people you don't know, it was a lot better, and that you went to the American Legion for their Sat. Open house coffee. And although you are a non veteran, you were greeted warmly bc they know you honor their heroism. And I'm so glad that you have a close friend there whom you've formed a bond with, and that there was a lot of laughter and kidding each other, and that you stayed longer than usual. It is so good to be around our closest friends, and to have those good times with them! And I know what you mean, as I like fog as well instead of rain. And it is wonderful that you also had breakfast at a local place across from the beach, as it is so beautiful there!! And I'm so glad that you are enjoying your day, I was so hoping you would! And I'm so glad to know that you are feeling grateful to God to be alive and in a beautiful place... and I hope that the rain wasn't too heavy, so that you were able to walk with your umbrella. And actually being that it is in the 50s there, it is milder temperatures compared to what it was there throughout the long, cold winter, which makes going outdoors easier. And thankfully, Deb and I have our weather in the 70s. And thank you for your wishes for me to have a peaceful day, and hopefully all of the rest of your day will be good as well as peaceful, and I wish you to have peace in every day.
    Take care always
    Dreary and Van Gogh like this.
  8. RLC

    RLC Well-Known Member

    By all means Lou, Stay and enjoy your company and music. Have a nice lunch. This could last a while. It’s not horrible but the hard rain comes and goes. I just now got an alert for snow starting soon. Not much though.
    Your mention of the rotary phones brought back a lot of memories. Being young and not a problem in my young naive life. My grandparents had those phone desk type tables. Not sure what they’re called.
    Stay where you are for now and stay dry. Not sure how long of a walk you have to get back home. But there are breaks in the storm. Blues music is very fitting.
    We’re only as old as we feel Lou. Some days I feel pretty darn old but we each keep trying to enjoy life as best we can. Ron told me years ago, to not waste time mourning him. He’ll be waiting for me when it’s my time. But that’s very. Hard to do. We all try.
    Sweetcole, Dreary, Gary166 and 2 others like this.
  9. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much for saying your name,
    Nicole. I love GIC, bc we've become close
    friends. We can talk freely about our
    grief over the deaths of our soulmates.
    Your grandfather sounds like mine. He
    always had a twinkle in his eye, until
    my grandmother died at 69, from
    cancer. He lived 2 years longer, but the
    light went out in his eyes. Ironically,
    Linda died at 68, from cancer, also, but
    I'm determined not to let that light go out
    just yet. Lou
    Debra M, Dreary and Gary166 like this.
  10. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Robin, I love that phrase that "we're only as old as we feel". As I've probably said
    before, many people think I'm 10 years
    younger, bc I'm interested in people &
    like to laugh wth them. Some people my
    age just talk about their ailments, seem a
    lot older, & not pleasant to be around. Lou
    RLC and Debra M like this.
  11. Countess Joy

    Countess Joy Well-Known Member

    Landlines. Rotary phones.
    Always carry a dime for the nearest pay phone.
    My grandmother still had a party line when I was young.
    And how about the horrible screeching of a dial up internet connection?
    Dreary, Gary166, RLC and 1 other person like this.
  12. RLC

    RLC Well-Known Member

    Wow I forgot about party lines. Yup my grandmother had that too.
    Dial up internet. Torture.
    Countess Joy, Debra M and Van Gogh like this.
  13. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Bernadine, thanks for the "party line"
    memory. That was weird, waiting for
    strangers to hang up. My grandparents
    had that, too. In the Andy Griffith Show,
    Sheriff Andy Taylor ( Griffith) would get
    mad, bc he had to talk with the nosy
    operator, in order to make a call. I should
    have started a new thread called
    "reminiscing"...... a nice distraction from
    grief. Lou
    Dreary, Countess Joy and Debra M like this.
  14. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Robin, see my reply to Bernadine about
    party lines. Lou
  15. Dreary

    Dreary Well-Known Member

    Your area sounds beautiful Lou. Being able to see the beach from your breakfast spot has to be amazing. I lived in Florida many years ago, but never liked the weather there even though was close to river and beach, just too hot. My husband and I both preferred the north. We both loved the northeast coast. Never made it that far north as far as actually living there, but traveled up there several times. Always loved it. Enjoy every minute you can Lou! Hugs, peace and comfort to you and everyone on GIC, Rita
    Debra M and Van Gogh like this.
  16. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Rita, I love every season except one-----
    the long, cold, & sometimes snowy
    winter, which makes it more difficult to
    walk by the ocean. My small town becomes
    deserted, all the shops & art galleries
    closed. That's when I get on a bus, as a
    senior. & go to a nearby larger city, with
    a main street filled with restaurants and
    stores. One successful, retired couple
    friends of mine spend winters in Florida &
    summers here, the best of both worlds.
    Other people spend a week in Florida, just
    for a break. Linda & I traveled all over
    Florida, & before Linda went into the
    hospital, we thought of moving down
    there & renting a place to see how we
    liked it. Linda grew up here, & was tired of
    it, & the tough winters. I did not grow up
    here, so I felt differently. If my health holds
    up, I plan to make this my forever home.
    We did enough traveling, & I don't want to
    anymore. Lou
  17. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    I miss that world I knew... I grew up during the early 70s so I really was part of that era still.. I really cannot stand the technocratic, fast paced wiFi world of 5Gee today. I hate computers a lot and SMRT phones. I wish I could go back home again. The 4th Industrial Revolution (4t) really Sux!
    Van Gogh likes this.
  18. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    I am so not doing good again! I want to be strong. Every time I think I'm doing better I fall back into the morass of self doubt and hopelessness... Wishing you lotsa love and huge hugz!
  19. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    George, I agree. Linda & I used to like to
    sit at a quiet bar, having drinks & dinner.
    I remember the night we saw the first
    cellphone. We were horrified & angry
    that some jerk was yammering loudly on
    his phone, probably trying to impress the
    other bar patrons. Whenever we saw that
    again, Linda would say, sarcastically, that
    he or she was talking to his cat. I know
    that texting can be useful, at times, but
    when I need comfort, or a laugh, I want to
    hear a friend's voice. Lou
    Dreary, Debra M and Gary166 like this.
  20. Debra M

    Debra M Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry that you are so not doing good again! And it really is so hard to continue on a path of doing good, as there are waves of grief that we continually go through... and I know exactly how you feel, and I feel your pain, even though I want to be strong also! That morass of self doubt and hopelessness... it just wears me out emotionally qnd physically completely when I go through that!! And hopefully we will find some peace and get a break from Mr. Grief today!! And thank you so much for wishing me lotsa love and huge hugz! And I wish you the same!
    And you will be in my thoughts.
    Take care always,
    Gary166, eyepilot13 and Van Gogh like this.