Sending you the very biggest virtual hug... I'm so very sorry you're so over the top sad... It SUCKS!!! Although I know this doesn't help, please try to keep somewhere in the back of your mind, that you ARE!!! healing!!! I've had to give Mr. Grief several swift kicks today, but it feels like one of those days when he's going to do everything he possibly can to drown me in tears... I've been repeating, I AM!!! healing, over and over and over again in my head. I have to.
I'm so sorry Passover dinner was such a sad, miserable experience for you and your daughters... It SUCKS!!! I refused to attend any holiday celebrations last year with the exception of Thanksgiving, but I spent it with my friend who is also a widow, with just three other people. Although laced with sadness, it turned out to be a much better day than I expected it to be. However, I had been suffering through this miserable experience longer than you have, by the time Thanksgiving rolled around last year. It had been over seven months, (but keep in mind everyone heals at his/her own pace). Please continue to be very gentle with yourself.
Having said all of this, Bob and I celebrated Easter BIG!!! TIME!!! with our children every year. My children aren't able to visit until later this spring. I decided I wanted to spend today alone. I have to. I need to do whatever I can to continue to heal. I need to preserve whatever shred of sanity I have left. April has been an over the top difficult month and I need time to recover. I'm exhausted both physically and emotionally. First my oldest son's birthday on the 8th, then the one year anniversary of Bob's death at 3:45 a.m., on the 11th, my youngest son's oral defense of his dissertation on the 12th, today, the 17th, Easter, and my youngest son's birthday on the 28th. My head is way past flooded..., is bursting with memories..., once so over the top happy..., now so over the top bittersweet... It SUCKS!!!
I fully understand, and I'm sure all of TGW, all of our GIC "family" understands too, why you need to "visit" less frequently. I used to be here all the time, morning, noon and night, when I first found this site, and for many months afterwards. It wasn't until Gary commented about this, that I finally stopped to do some serious thinking. It's because of what Gary told me, the serious thinking I did following his heartfelt message, that I realized I needed to step away, put myself first, if I was going to be able to continue moving forward, to heal... Every time I read an over the top sad story on GIC, I need a tissue... I can (almost) feel the unbearable pain he/she is suffering... It breaks my heart... All I want to do is to wrap my arms around that person, give them the biggest hug..., let them cry, talk, just be there to listen... After doing lots of thinking about what Gary told me, I realized I wasn't giving myself the same TLC that I want so much to give to others.
Now that I'm MIA much more often, I find that, while I miss our GIC "family," think about, and pray for strength for everyone daily, I'm doing the things I need to do to help myself. I'm getting as much fresh air, sunshine and walks in, as I possibly can, talking to my friends from "home," spending more time with some of my neighbors, and my very close friend who is also a widow, still spending lots of time alone..., watching the flickering flame of the candle on my coffee table,... reflecting on my life..., where I've been..., where I am now..., trying to figure out what will make me feel content, happy, and at peace, (although I know I'll NEVER!!!, TUTTAM!!! be as content, as happy, or as much at peace, as I was when Bob and I were together!!!, TUTTAM!!!), and am just beginning to get back into doing the things I enjoy.
My creative energy is starting to return, and I've been turning my house into my home (still thinking a temporary home, but this is a story for another time). I feel Bob's presence more than ever... I find myself talking to him, asking him what he thinks of this picture, this light fixture, lamp, etc., etc., etc... I'm beginning to feel comfortable in the house where I experienced some of the very worst moments in my entire life, but still have to leave the doors to the guest bedroom and bathroom closed (a story for another time.) I'm also beginning to cook again, and have been eating at the kitchen table, but still need the company of my chrome book, otherwise seeing that empty chair..., where Bob should be sitting..., would be way too much for me to handle... Need a tissue... I'm emotional mess...
I think it's good you realize you need more time to yourself. Keith's death was so very recent, still so over the top raw... Sometimes I forget that I've only "known" you for such a short period of time. I think you're farther along in this miserable journey, for lack of a better word, than I was at about the time you are at now, because I didn't realize I needed to take care of myself better. Giving yourself the same TLC you would give to others, I hope will not only make you feel a little better, but will make you a stronger person, able to tackle Mr. Grief head on, winning more of those miserable multiple daily battles... Give you the time you need to try to figure out who you are now, without Keith's physical presence.... I think I can safely speak for all of our GIC "family" when I say we WILL!!! be here whenever you need us...
Sending you zillions more hugs and love, wishing you peace, all of us peace. DEB
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