I lost my domestic partner

Discussion in 'Suicide Loss' started by Nancydrew, Aug 6, 2018.

  1. Nancydrew

    Nancydrew New Member

    it took me forever to find people to talk to. Thank you all for being here.
    My loss occurred on July 11, 2017 the day before my birthday. I honestly don’t think my birthday was in his mind. He tried before, 3 other times. Then he read the book “ the final exit “ it’s a book of fail prof methods and scenario to make your final exit.
    My life has not been the same. Today I felt so depressed that I turned to the Internet to help me understand how to get through this.
    I found this group. Again thank you for being here.
    Eric Liam and griefic like this.
  2. griefic

    griefic Administrator Staff Member

    Nancy, we're so glad you're here. I'm so sorry for your loss and all that you are suffering. There is no good time or way to lose someone we love, but I do believe a loss to suicide leaves survivors with so much searching and so many questions. It can be hard to find people to talk to, but the members here (specifically in this forum) know what a loss like this is like. If you have any questions at any time, please let me know. We're here to help~
  3. Michele Wood

    Michele Wood Well-Known Member

    Eighteen years ago I lost my first partner to suicide. He was a severe alcoholic who would do anything for a drink, including drinking rubbing alcohol. This is what killed him. Though his suicide was unexpected, his death was not as doctors had told me for 2-3 years to prepare for his death.

    What made it traumatic was hearing him die. I had come home from a school event and went to check on him. He was dying. I had talked to him two hours previously by phone and he had sounded cheerful and upbeat. I did not have a clue!

    It took months of counseling, both group and individual, and years of processing to get over his death. Now I feel a sense of sadness that he could not combat his disease despite three treatment programs, AA and psychological counseling.