home doesn't feel like home

Discussion in 'Coping After a Sudden Loss' started by aysweeee, May 9, 2022.

  1. aysweeee

    aysweeee New Member

    I lost my cat two days ago. It was his birthday. He died on his birthday.
    It was a sudden death. He was so healthy, even a day ago, but then he got cat fip (an illness) all of a sudden. The fip killed him in hours.
    I was so sure he would come back from the vet. I was sure he would be fine.
    But now I just can't accept the fact that he is gone. He has been with me for so many years and it just seems impossible, that he is not here anymore.
    He has always been my best friend, he was always with me no matter what. He was a great cat, he was so smart as well. He was so tame, he would never scratch anyone or hiss at anyone.
    The house just feels so empty without him right now. It always feels like he's gonna come back, but he never does.
    I will miss him so so much, even if I get a new pet, he will always have a special place in my heart.
    Rose69 likes this.
  2. claudia8249

    claudia8249 New Member

    I am sorry for the loss of your companion. I have lost four dogs in my lifetime, and it is always difficult. Last two years, I lost my dog and I sword that would never get a dog and my partner insisted and we got a dog that nobody wanted. 6 owners kept returning him back to the pound.
    On April 7th, my partner passed away and I am lost of words. I feel paralyzed and all I can do is mask and pretend nothing is happening just so I do not burden my family, friends, neighbors. I don't know what to do. I do know that all the people I love do die and there is nothing I can do. I don't know how to put it in words but I do feel devastated that your companion cat died and hope that you can remember the happy times you had with him.
    Rose69 likes this.