Grief & Laughter. Have you laughed today, yesterday or in the past?

Discussion in 'Loss of Spouse' started by cjpines, Feb 28, 2022.

  1. cjpines

    cjpines Well-Known Member

    But, we understand how tiring is to act okay and always be strong..... after losing a love one the grieving takes every morsel out of your body and mind, it drains you. It's part of the grief journey that we would want to disappear, because it's too painful. Helena, you are so new for your loss, I remember those first months when I lost Jack -- I felt exactly like what you are feeling now. It's been 1 yr and 4 months and those awful painful few first months have slowly faded to a point. I'm still waiting for him to come home. I guess he's home in my heart every moment. Karen
  2. Dreary

    Dreary Well-Known Member

    OMG TGWs this is today.....not sure which part of me hurts worse, my head, my heart, my back, my knees/legs....UGH,,,,it's gotta get better.......then:


    REALLY!!!!!!! LOL

    Hang in there fellow GIC travelers.....Hugs, wishes for comfort, peace, healing and anything else you need, Rita
    cjpines and Van Gogh like this.
  3. cjpines

    cjpines Well-Known Member

    Rita, you gave me my laugh for the day. I so relate. Some of my family members are way too positive and it irks me to no end when everything is going wrong. Karen
    Van Gogh, Helena Beatriz and Dreary like this.
  4. Helena Beatriz

    Helena Beatriz Well-Known Member

    Oh my my... I'm LOL and I can't stop....habaha
    Van Gogh and Dreary like this.
  5. Helena Beatriz

    Helena Beatriz Well-Known Member

    I can help laughing, your post it's so funny!!!
    Van Gogh and Dreary like this.
  6. cjpines

    cjpines Well-Known Member

    I had to send this on to my family. So gosh darn funny.
    Van Gogh, Helena Beatriz and Dreary like this.
  7. Dreary

    Dreary Well-Known Member

  8. cjpines

    cjpines Well-Known Member

    I did hire a guy to mow down the weeds. Not knowing we had two rain showers after that and they are thriving.
    Countess Joy and Van Gogh like this.
  9. cjpines

    cjpines Well-Known Member

    Van Gogh and Helena Beatriz like this.
  10. Helena Beatriz

    Helena Beatriz Well-Known Member

    Two cows are standing in a field. One says to the other
    "Are you worried about mad cow disease?
    The other one says: "No, it doesn't worry me, I'm a horse!"
  11. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Karen, Helena & I were discussing the
    movie, Groundhog Day, with Bill Murray,
    released 25 years ago. Every .morning,
    poor Bill"s day starts the same: he hears
    Sonny & Cher, sing, "I got you, Babe" .
    Rose remembers that was one of the
    favorite movies of her husband , C. Linda
    & I watched the DVD of it , many times.
    Lately, I've been crashing early, around
    9pm & waking up at midnight. I was in for
    a treat just now, when I saw you, Helena,
    and, for the first time in a while, Rita. We
    had our own laughing & grieving thread,
    with the sarcastic post of a photo of a
    woman angrily reacting to the smug,
    "everything happens for a reason",
    which ranks with " He ( or she) is in a
    better place". I wish people would just
    say, "I'm sorry to hear..". One of my favorite
    chapter headings in The Widower's
    Notebook, a memoir , by Jonathan
    Santlofer, is " Stupid Things said by Smart
    People".Some of your well meaning family
    members fit into that category. I loved
    seeing your thread , and it made me
    chuckle. I was a bit confused to see Rita
    on it, bc she hasn't been on GIC for quite a
    while, and I was worried. She used to
    give us great, inspirational sayings about
    grieving. Then,I noticed she wrote back,in
    March , or April. not now. Hope she's
    "listening" to us, and will put a "LIKE" ,
    to show she's OK. Thanks to you &
    Helena, for the laughs. Now, I can go
    back to sleep. I hope others can, as well.
    Helena Beatriz, cjpines and Rose69 like this.
  12. Helena Beatriz

    Helena Beatriz Well-Known Member

    A couple of jokes

    Two goldfish in a bowl talking:
    Goldfish 1: Do you believe in God?
    Goldfish 2: Of course, I do! Who do you think changes the water?

    Can a kangaroo jump higher that the Empire State Building?
    Yes, because the Empire State Building can't jump!
    Rose69, cjpines and Van Gogh like this.
  13. Helena Beatriz

    Helena Beatriz Well-Known Member

    A blind man enters a bar and find his way to a barstool. After ordering a drink and sitting there for a while, the blind guy yells to the bartender, "Hey, you wanna hear a blonde joke"? The bar immediately become absolutely quiet.
    In a husky, deep voice, the woman next to him says: Before you tell that joke, you should know something. The bartender is blonde, the bouncer is blonde and I'm 6" 200 pound blonde with a black belt in karate. What's more, the fella sitting next to me is blonde and he's a weightlifter. The woman to your right is a blonde, and she's a pro wrestler. Think about it seriously mister, you still wanna tell that blonde joke?
    The blind guy says, "Nah, not if I'm gonna have to explain it five times"
    Rose69, Van Gogh and cjpines like this.
  14. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Helena, where did you get that one? Haha!
  15. Helena Beatriz

    Helena Beatriz Well-Known Member

    Guitar Horse

    A horse and his mother are in the barn watching TV when an ad comes on. It's for a music school that can teach anyone to play any instrument, guaranteed. The horse has always wanted to play the guitar, so he call them up.
    "Hey, I want to learn to play the guitar," he says, "Can you teach me?" and the school responds, "sure, we can teach anyone!" The horse says "But I'm a horse, is that a problem?" and the school days "No, come on down!"
    A few weeks later, the horse is riffing on an electric guitar in the barn, which of course, draws some attention. He's approached by the pig who asks, "Hey, how did you learn to do that?"
    The horse says, "Well, there's a music school that can teach anyone to play any instrument." Really? asks the pig. "Guaranteed," the horse says.
    So the pig calls up and says "Hey, I want to learn to play the keyboard," he says, "Can you teach me?" and the school responds, "Sure, we can teach anyone!" The pig says "But I'm a pig. is that a problem?" and the school days "No, come on down!"
    A few weeks later, the pig is playing synth to back up the horse and it sounds pretty good, and it draws the attention of the chicken. She comes in and asks the horse and the pig, "Hey how did you learn to do that?"
    The horse says, "Well, there's a music school that can teach anyone to play any instrument." "really?" asks the chicken. "Guarantied," confirms the pig.
    So the chicken calls up and says "Hey, I want to learn to play the drums," she says, "Can you teach me?" and the school responds, "Sure, we can teach anyone!" The chicken says "But I'm a chicken, is that a problem?" and the school days "No, come on down!"
    A few weeks later they've got a hit little trio going, drawing in all the barn animals. A talent agent drives by and hears them, stops to see what's going on. He signs them instantly and they take the show on the road.
    The trio have a fantastic rise to fame; gold records, sold out shows, screaming fans, national tours. They're all set for their first international tour, cruising around Europe with their music.
    The band is about to get on the plane when the horse gets a phone call. It's his mother; she's become very sick and taken a turn for the worse He has to go see her, and can't get on the plane. His bandmates, great friends by now, tell him not to worry. They'll go on ahead and he can take another flight after he sees his mother.
    The get on the plane and the horse goes home, but, he's too late. She's already passed, and he didn't get to see her that one last time. Although he is crushed with grief, he stays strong for his friends. He decides to dedicate this tour to his mother.
    He calls his agent to get a flight to Europe, but he told ther's no tour. The plane with a pig and chicken exploded midair -something about a fuel line. No survivors.
    The horse gets in his car and goes into town; he needs to escape this. He drives around till he finds somewhere to park, then he gets to downtown.
    The horse walks into a bar.
    Th bartender says, "Hey, why the long face?"
    Van Gogh likes this.
  16. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Wow, Helena! This long story was
    not familiar to me, until the famous,funny
    punchline. Thank you. I may have asked
    you before. but where do you get these
    LMSO stories?Linda & I loved a partially
    animated movie, about a piglet, who
    thinks he's a sheep dog. It's called "Babe" .
  17. Helena Beatriz

    Helena Beatriz Well-Known Member

    Good Morning Lou, That's was one of Geoff's long stories (jokes), I heard it many times, he had a very good sense of humour, the majority of our lives spent laughing, he didn't take life too seriously, if we had an argument, he made me laugh, so I thought as Karen started this thread, we TGW need to have our moments of LOSA (Laughing our sad asses) as well. HB
    cjpines and Van Gogh like this.
  18. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Helena. Linda & I laughed a lot,
    too. When we fought , I'd try to remember
    to walk around the block to cool off, bc if
    we were both mad, it wasn't pretty. The
    laughter faded, sadly,when she was
    battling cancer, and trying to do PT in the
    rehab center, I try not to think about that,
    and recall our fun times together. Lou
    Chris M 2000 and Helena Beatriz like this.
  19. Helena Beatriz

    Helena Beatriz Well-Known Member

  20. Helena Beatriz

    Helena Beatriz Well-Known Member

    A Dr. was addressing a large audience in Tampa.
    "The material we put into our stomachs is enough to have killed most of us sitting here" years ago, red meat is awful, soft drinks corrode your stomach lineup, Chinese food is loaded with MSG, high fat diets can be disastrous, and none of us realizes the long term harm fail by the germs in our drinking water. However, there is one thing that is most dangerous of all and we all have eaten, or will eat it. Can anyone here tell me what food it is that causes the most grief and suffering for years after eating it?
    After several seconds of quiet, a 75-year-old man in the front row raised his hand, and softly said ' Weading Cake!
    Van Gogh, Rose69 and Chris M 2000 like this.