Be Strong! Be Kind

Discussion in 'Loss of Spouse' started by eyepilot13, Oct 1, 2021.

  1. RLC

    RLC Well-Known Member

    Thank you Lou, I now use a cane all the time when I walk. Ron always helped me with so many things. Like helping me get up from sitting, in snd out of the car, tying my shoes. I’ve had to buy new shoes that slip on because some days it’s impossible for me to do. I’m so sorry you fell and caused you so much pain and discomfort. But sharing your loss of Linda with your therapist and her being so caring and kind must have felt so good. There still are good people in the world. And your pedicure, another special person. I think it’s wonderful that you’re being kind to yourself. I have some difficulty in that area. But I’m trying. I spend so much of my day taking care of our home and yard, things I’ve done and Ron wouldn’t let me do but it’s all my responsibility now. Today I’m expecting a call from the vet. I found a fatty tumor on my little dachshund Teddy and took him in. They took a sample and I’m praying for good results. I’m nervous. He was a gift from Ron and he’s my everything. He has to be ok.
    Ron and I watched the Westminster dog shows too. Enjoy them so much and always rooted for the dachshunds. My daughter just got a dachshund puppy a couple months ago. We named him Slinky. He keeps active he’s so full of life. Hope your phone therapy goes well this morning and that you have a good day.
    Van Gogh likes this.
  2. DEB321

    DEB321 Well-Known Member


    I usually don't use my phone to come here, it's too hard for me to type on the small keypad, but this morning, after I thought about the things I'm grateful for, and checked the weather, before getting out of bed, I decided to drop by. As soon as I read the the name Linda's parents gave their dog, and how "Poopsie" wouldn't come to the two of you when you first started taking care of her, and you said, "I wonder why," I immediately started laughing. It was one of those really good laughs, that I'll never take for granted again, that don't happen enough any more. Thank you!!!, for getting the beginning of my day off to a good start.

    Still sort of on the same subject, my very favorite "fur baby's" name was Breeze. Of course there is a story behind this. We had just lost one of our cats, he had cancer, Bob had to take him to be euthanized. (He was born in a dumpster near the naval air base where Bob was once stationed.) Our kids were heartbroken, but especially my youngest, my daughter. This cat had been her constant companion starting at birth. She was so upset she began drawing pictures of him, her "angel kitty," her words, in a bright blue sky, the sun always shining brightly on the top right corner of her drawings, our cat, her "angel kitty" sitting on a cloud....

    One day she asked me if we could get another dog. I did some research, checked out some animal shelters, and found a puppy in need of a home. From what I was told about her, I had a feeling she would fit right into our family. The whole family went to pick her up on October 6th, many years ago. It was a very windy, fall day. The puppy had very fluffy, yellow and white fur. As we were getting in our mini van to take her home, the boys had already climbed into the back, my daughter was in the middle seat, and I was putting the puppy on her lap, the wind was blowing. My daughter said, a smile on her face, "she has very breezy hair." The name stuck. When we bought our boat, we named it the Autumn Breeze. Of course this made my daughter very happy too!!

    I want to get a walk in, it looks like it's going to be a beautiful day, but another hot one, so stopping here for now. I just couldn't leave the house before thanking you for not only for getting me to laugh first thing in the morning, but for getting me to remember such a special day in my life. Now the memories from this day are bittersweet, as Robin would say, happy mixed with sad. My eyes are teary..., I remember this day as clearly as though it just happened yesterday.

    Going to grab a tissue and put on my walking shoes. Be back later...

    As always, sending you hugs, wishing you peace, all of us peace. DEB

    P.S. Of course, I had to smile again, when you mentioned that you're having your therapy session with a great guy named Bob.
    eyepilot13 and Van Gogh like this.
  3. DEB321

    DEB321 Well-Known Member


    Just getting ready to leave here, go for my morning walk, and read about your "fur baby" Teddy. I know there is nothing I can do or say to make you feel any better while you're waiting for the call from the vet, but I totally "get it," when you said Teddy is your everything. I am here, hoping right along with you, that the phone call is a happy one!!!

    Sending you extra hugs this morning, wishing you peace, all of us peace. DEB
    Van Gogh likes this.
  4. Patti 61

    Patti 61 Guest

    Just found your posting,
    I lost my husband Jack
    to Parkinsons, I tell
    myself every awakening
    "God is my strength."
    Finding Grief In Common
    is helping me, lifting you
    in prayer and my heartfelt
    Condolences to you and
    all others. Patti
    Van Gogh and eyepilot13 like this.
  5. RLC

    RLC Well-Known Member

    Deb, I can’t thank you enough. I’m trying so hard to think positive and also be prepared just in case the news isn’t what I’m hoping for. I can’t even bear the thought of Teddy not being ok. He broke his toe during the spring of 2020 and they didn’t put a cast on but a good size wrap that went up the whole length of his leg. The tumor is where the wrap rubbed on him. And I was worried about it becoming an issue. And now here we are. I can’t help but think it has something to do with it. I read about your sweet
    dog Breeze. And I see you have felt the mixed emotions of happy mixed with sad. I’m so sorry Breeze has found her way to Rainbow Bridge. But she’s healthy and running and playing and I’m sure has found. On and they’re watching over you.
    I took Teddy Saturday morning and she said she’d have the results in 48 hours. Now I wonder if Saturday and Sunday counted. I hope so. Teddy seems fine thankfully.
    Thank you again, enjoy your morning walk and fresh air. Robin
    DEB321 likes this.
  6. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    Thank you Patti! It is Monday morning (extra hard!) and reading things on GIC helps me find my strength. I offer you my own heartfelt sympathy, empathy and support. These losses are still so hard and it's is at least some comfort to realize I'm not alone!
    Van Gogh likes this.
  7. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    That is so interesting to me cuz I just really don't feel much like eating! I have to watch my diet carefully cuz I don't have any kidneys... I so don't feel like eating anything big heavy and greasy anymore. I just crave crushed ice! I usually get up between 7 and 8 and I don't have much going on except trying to get out of the house and find a new place to live that's much more sensible! By 9pm I'm pretty useless and tired!
    Van Gogh likes this.
  8. DEB321

    DEB321 Well-Known Member


    Your heartfelt response has me teary eyed... Only people who truly love dogs, who have experienced the very special bond we have with our "furry" family members, can possibly understand the heartache, when it's time for a very much loved "furry" family member to find his/her way to Rainbow Bridge. I truly believe there is a very special place in heaven for dogs....

    I understand what you mean when you say Teddy is your "everything." I can only imagine how difficult this is for you, especially because Teddy was a gift from Ron. I'm here with you in spirit, hoping that you get good news today... Give Teddy a big hug from me.

    As always sending you hugs, wishing you peace, all of us peace. DEB
  9. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Just a quick hello, before therapy with
    Bob! 11am today, instead of usual 10am.I knew you'd laugh about the "Poopsie"
    story. Linda got her revenge against her
    parents, by recounting that story to others,
    who shook their heads, and grimaced.
    What a sentimental mess I am. I cried
    when your little daughter drew pictures
    of "angel kitty". I cried again when your
    daughter said your dog had breezy hair.
    Thank you for telling me the dog's name,
    a lot more thought went into it than
    "Poopsie". It looks like Robin joined our
    talk, so I will answer her after therapy.
    It's rainy & dark here today ( it seems like
    you & I are on different planets!). I hope
    to go to the Shack. It'll be quiet, unlike
    Friday. I'll joke with the bartender that
    I'm still alive. He'll have some wise crack,
    but it's good for me. The 2 Friday night
    bartenders, 39, kid me that I'm "ancient",
    and after I fell, they heard about it, and
    asked, "So, Lou, did you have a nice trip?"
    I told them I'd text my pal, a 75 year old
    Navy Vietnam era vet, & fishing boat
    captain, to come & join me. He's a hard
    drinking, but funny guy, who likes to stay
    'til closing, and bother the 2 guys when
    they're trying to clean up! My pal, Lyle,
    wants to take me to a dive to "pick up
    chicks". I said, " I don't think so....", and
    everybody, including hin, laughed. Lou
  10. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    George, I'm so sorry about your kidneys,
    and that you can't eat much. When Linda
    was in the hospital, I sat with her, and
    we had our meals on trays. The food was.
    very good ( unlike at the rehab/nursing
    home later). But, Linda would turn it
    back. The doctor & nurses were concerned, but the only thing that
    appealed to her were popsicles. That was
    a great idea by a guy in dining services,
    & we were very grateful. I guess you have
    one main mission, which is to get a better
    place to live. I know how important that
    is. When Linda died, I'm so glad I moved,
    with the help of a friend, for the small
    stuff, and a moving van for the big stuff. L
  11. DEB321

    DEB321 Well-Known Member


    You just made me laugh again when you mentioned how Linda got her revenge against her parents. I really needed another laugh!! Tough walk, but won't go into it now.

    Backing up just a bit, for Christmas, the same year we lost our cat, my daughter's teacher had all of her students make a Christmas ornament for their families. My daughter brought me home an absolutely adorable ornament, with a picture of our "angel kitty" sitting on a cloud, surrounded by a bright blue sky, and of course, just like in all of her other drawings, the sun was at the top right corner of it. It made me teary eyed when she handed it to me. I'm a sentimental mess too, because I just went from laughing to crying in a matter of seconds...

    But, went right back to laughing when I read about all the interesting people at the Shack. I've got to get going. I have some things on my to do list I want to get done, but I think I'll make something for lunch first.

    Looking forward to hearing about your soon to be adventures at the Shack.

    Sending you hugs, wishing you peace, all of us peace. DEB
    Van Gogh likes this.
  12. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    Thanks man! I so need something today! Last summer Valerie just wanted a lot of these Freezer Bar "Otter Pops!" we'd cut 'em in half and share them. My son who just came back after years on his own was so annoyed by the endless "Otter Pops" Now I don't ever get them... too sad! And he's pleased...

    I truly groove to this sharing stories stuff Lou. Today can really suck but I really don't want it to. Just thinking and deciding about house stuff. TB isn't about yet Badgering about... making me anxious! Peace! Calm. Nothingness... BTW the times Valerie was in the H preKovid and I stayed a lot with her. She wouldn't let me stay the night much It was too hard with the kidney stuff and all. The food was actually good. She ate then. This was the time of her first surgery (summer 2019) and she was still herself! Sad...
    Van Gogh likes this.
  13. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Hi, Robin. Looks like you joined the
    conversation I was having with our friend,
    Deb. I just had a positive therapy session.
    I tell him the events of the week, and
    about my interactions with people, in
    addition to my grief for Linda. I joked with
    him, that I had to talk fast to get it all in
    the "50 minute hour"! I will pray for
    Teddy. As I told Deb,we had to give up
    our mini poodle, for adoption, bc we were
    in bad financial straits at the time. Linda
    was heartbroken, bc the little dog had
    bonded with her, & she was like her
    child ( we didn't have any children). Well,
    even though it's raining off & on, I'm
    walking outside, with umbrella, bc I
    try to get out every day. Hope you have a
    good one. How often can you see Slinky?
    RLC likes this.
  14. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    George, I like our honest talks every day.
    As I told Deb, you & I are a lot alike, and
    Valerie and Linda were a lot alike, too. You
    are more advanced than I am, with photos
    on the Internet. I was surprised &
    pleased to see you in a photo, and a
    photo of the Field Museum. I was a little
    confused ( as I often am). Was that a photo
    of Valerie by the stone lion? If so, she was
    very pretty. I had my weekly Mon phone
    therapy session, to try to start the week
    off right. The counseling isn't just about
    grief, but also my interactions with
    people, both strangers & friends. Right
    after Linda died, I was hypersensitive, &
    took everything personally. One of the
    things in Tom Zuba's book & in his Ted
    talk on YouTube, is to take NOTHING
    personally! I like saying your name,
    George, bc that was my father's name,
    but we didn't get along, and, worse, didn't
    like Linda. Needless to say, the love of my
    life, Linda, came first, and we "eloped"----
    in our mid- forties! Lou
  15. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Just had lunch myself, slow moving this
    morning , Deb. I have to tell you a heartbreaking story about Linda toward
    the end. I don't dwell on it now, but it was
    part of my PTSD after she died. A local
    animal shelter would bring puppies into
    the nursing home recreation room, to cheer up the residents, who were older
    than Linda, 70s to 90s. The 1st time,
    Linda used her walker, instead of a
    wheelchair, to walk down the hall to the
    rec room. The nurses and PTs cheered
    her on. We sat together, as the volunteers
    from the shelter handed her a puppy. The
    little dog looked up at Linda & licked her
    cheek. I saw Linda cry. ( I think she was
    thinking about our little dog we had to
    give up). I thought how unfair and cruel
    it was that we weren't able to have our
    own dog. One morning, which turned
    out to be Linda's last day on earth, we
    were told that the puppies were coming
    again. Linda was determined to see
    them. She got on her wheelchair, from
    her bed, with great difficulty. As she tried,
    she fell, in a strange way, with her head
    almost touching the floor. I asked her if
    she needed help. She said, "I can't talk.
    Get me a cold cloth. Push the button" ( to
    get the nurses). The nurse was not at her
    station. I ran down the hall to the rec room
    in a panic, and yelled for help. Her
    favorite nurse and others put Linda in
    a sitting position on the floor. That turned
    out to be the last time I saw her.The next
    day, I called the favorite nurse to ask
    what Linda's last words were. The nurse
    said that after they seated her in the
    wheelchair, they asked Linda if she
    wanted a pillow. She nodded. When they
    called her name, her lips turned blue &
    she had a pulmonary embolism. As I told
    you, Deb, when I saw Linda in that
    unnatural position, I knew it was over &
    sobbed uncontrollably. Both Linda's PT &
    the recreational therapist hugged me. The
    head of nursing escorted me to the
    ambulance, which would speed behind
    Linda's to the ER, where she was dead on
    arrival. I was asked if I wanted to see
    Linda's lifeless body, and I said no. As
    horribly sad as it was, I wanted to recall
    her talking to me at the end. Thank God
    I didn't see her lips turn blue and die.It
    was bad enough as it was. I saw Linda's
    nurse, Alice, at a bar, & we hugged each
    other. Alice became close to Linda & was
    in shock herself, bc she was about the
    same age. If you don't mind, I'm going
    to take a break from talking about dogs,
    bc Linda never got to see the puppies again, on her last physical day on earth.
    Sorry to be such a "Gloomy Gus", as
    Linda called me. This was my worst
    story. I don't think about it much now.
  16. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    She'd never let me take a picture of her. Did you go on my DA site...? https://www.deviantart.com/eyepilot13
    Van Gogh likes this.
  17. Van Gogh

    Van Gogh Well-Known Member

    Not sure about your site. I saw some of
    your art work. The stone lion was outside
    a museum. The woman must have been a
    random stranger. But, I assumed that was
    you, although I don't know who took the
    photo! L
  18. eyepilot13

    eyepilot13 Well-Known Member

    I know the Art Institute's famous for their Lions!
  19. RLC

    RLC Well-Known Member

    Deb, sorry to bring on the tears. But I believe our furry family members live on and can jump and run and play again. Be healthy and full of energy. And hopefully greet us when it’s our turn.
    I don’t know if you believe in signs from our loved ones but on Saturday after our appointment, my daughter was with me driving and I was sitting with Teddy. I was trying to hold back tears and said to Stacey, my daughter. Teddy has never had a single health issue. And now this, I need Daddy(Ron) here to help me. At that moment we stopped at a traffic light and a beautiful monarch butterfly flew ever so slowly right over to our car and almost landed on it. Ron and I are nature lovers. And Ron loved butterflies and studied them. If I recall correctly. They don’t fly slow. This one glided to us. And both Stacey and I said omg! Daddy! He’s with us.
    Teddy was a surprise, our first dachshund had pSsed and a year passed, I was ready for the sound of scampering feet. Ron enjoyed not being tied down and wasnt t sure.
    DEB321 and Van Gogh like this.
  20. RLC

    RLC Well-Known Member

    Sorry that sent by mistake.
    One day Ron says to me how do you feel about going in Petco? I wasn’t sure why we needed to go in. I said ok what are we looking for. And he said a book on training a dachshund! I could t believe my ears. He had found a dachshund and had a time set up for us to go meet him. And we got the book and met Teddy. Such a wonderful surprise. The vet didn’t call today. I’ll call her tomorrow if I don’t hear from her. I just need to know.
    Thank you for hug for Ted and me. I need them today. And for your support and caring words.
    Hoping for good news tomorrow Robin