A big adjustment for me

Discussion in 'Loss of Spouse' started by wilder2990, Nov 2, 2023.

  1. wilder2990

    wilder2990 Member

    My wife passed away suddenly back in August this year. It was very sudden and totally unexpected. It happened in our home. She had a severe asthma attack that led to cardiac failure. It's like she died before my eyes. The paramedics did all they could. It was so shocking I could not believe it actually happened. After the funeral and the family returned to their homes, I had all sorts of thoughts and feelings streak through me. We were married for 32 years. She was a military wife throughout my entire military career. She was of course my encouragement and motivation during my darkest times. I feel so alone now in this house that she made a home. Like many others have said, only a widower that has been through what I've been through can truly relate and empathize.
    Patti 67, Gladlover, cjpines and 2 others like this.
  2. MHenry

    MHenry Guest

    I am so sorry for the sudden loss of your wife, wilder2990. The shock of a sudden loss is unimaginable to me, my husband passed after 7 months of a cancer diagnosis, so the shock has to be different. Your last sentence is truth. There will be others here who have lost suddenly as you have. I am new here but my heart is with you.
  3. wilder2990

    wilder2990 Member

    Thank you very much for your understanding, it really helps.
    Patti 67 and Rose69 like this.
  4. Sweetcole

    Sweetcole Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry for your loss. This is a great site. We all definitely understand and empathize with you. Your loss is fresh so take deep breaths and get fresh air to help with the overwhelming feeling. I'm not going to talk toomuch right now but I wanted to reach out to you and let you no you're in the right place. You're among people that ate here to support you. Praying for your strength.
  5. Rose69

    Rose69 Well-Known Member

    My heart goes out to you Wilder2990, I lost my husband in a similar way, three years ago, suddenly, unexpectedly, at only 57 years of age, due to a cardiac arrest. We all understand exactly what you're going through right now, I know the shock of the suddenness is overwhelming, seems impossible to tolerate, but sharing with others here will help you. Support and empathy from others who are going through the same grief is necessary to give each other strength to go on.
    You can write whenever you need to vent, there will always be someone here to listen to you and relate to your feelings.

  6. wilder2990

    wilder2990 Member

    Thank you
    Patti 67 likes this.
  7. Gladlover

    Gladlover Member

    wilder2990 likes this.
  8. April01803

    April01803 New Member

    My condolences on your loss. The suddenness must add another level of pain, I'm sure.

    My husband passed in January of 2022 after battling 2 cancers for 10 years. I retired in 2019 to take care of him full time, and thought I'd be more "prepared"(?) when he died since I'd been losing him little by little for years. I was wrong. I was surprised by the intense physical pain of grief. It dulls somewhat with time but I'm still a mess some days.

    Praying for peace for us all.
    Rose69 and wilder2990 like this.
  9. wilder2990

    wilder2990 Member

    My husband passed in January of 2022 after battling 2 cancers for 10 years. I retired in 2019 to take care of him full time, and thought I'd be more "prepared"(?) when he died since I'd been losing him little by little for years. I was wrong. I was surprised by the intense physical pain of grief. It dulls somewhat with time but I'm still a mess some days.

    Praying for peace for us all.

    April01803, thank you very much for your words. I pray that the Lord will give you renewed strength each day.
  10. wilder2990

    wilder2990 Member

    I must say that I feel that I was wrong in saying that no one else but another widower can relate to my grief. Those that have lost a very dear loved one to a long term illness hurt the same as those that lost their loved one suddenly. It is no less severe, but rather is different. So, thank you all for truly empathizing with me as I do with you all.
    Rose69 likes this.