39 yr old widow

Discussion in 'Loss of Spouse' started by AmyG, Dec 28, 2023.

  1. AmyG

    AmyG Member

    I abruptly lost my husband on 11/21/2023 to sepsis and liver/organ failure. He started not feeling well first week in October. I'm devastated. I have a stepson, he lives with me. Visits bio mom on weekends and vacations. Can anyone relate?
    Gladlover and Rose69 like this.
  2. Erick

    Erick Member

    IMG_3553.jpeg I lost my wife on February 5 2021 to aml leukemia she was 40 years old .It will always be a process of healing finding yourself each day .Its not easy at all especially when you are raising children I have a 14 year old and a 16 year old .Time flies this up upcoming February it will make 3 years and for myself I still sometimes feel like it was yesterday.It hits you sometimes as my children continue to grow and wish she was here for them and myself .Take your time in your healing and the decision you make at this time .As time goes may you receive many blessings in your journey of life and come to peace with you lost and come to understanding of acceptance
  3. Rose69

    Rose69 Well-Known Member

    @AmyG, we can all relate to you here. I am so sorry for the sudden loss of your husband, you've come to the right place. This site has helped me so much, after losing my husband suddenly three years ago, we can empathize with you, you are not alone. It's still so soon, it doesn't seem real, as if it's all just a nightmare. Just scream and cry as much as you want, don't suppress your feelings, the love you shared with your soulmate will comfort you and give you the strength to go on. He will always be a part of you, that special bond cannot be broken. My eternal connection with my C is my guidance, giving me a sense for my existence.

    Take care of yourself.
    cjpines, Countess Joy and Sweetcole like this.
  4. Rose69

    Rose69 Well-Known Member

    @Erick, those are beautiful, meaningful words in that text you posted, I can relate to them all. It's been three years for me too, since my husband, soulmate, best friend my everything, was suddenly unexpectedly taken away from us, from a heart attack. My children are older than yours, I can imagine how difficult it must be for you with your teenage children, losing their mum at such a young age. I'm sure you look at your kids and see their mum in them and this gives you strength to go on, our kids are our motivation and comfort, they carry a part of our lost beloveds with them. I look at mine and remind myself that their dad hasn't gone, he's still living through them.

    Sending you strength.

    cjpines, Countess Joy and Sweetcole like this.
  5. Gladlover

    Gladlover Member

  6. Gladlover

    Gladlover Member

    I lost my wife 4 months ago from AML Leukemia relapse after a stem cell transplant. She was 69. We were married 40 years. We all here can relate because even though we have different situations we all have lost the love of our lives. I was left to care for my 42 year old son with disabilities. It is a hard job to do but we love our children. My son was my wife's son by another marriage who I adopted at 4 and raised as my own. I'm glad I have him and we support each other.
    cjpines likes this.