Lost my wife, 39 years old

Discussion in 'Loss of Spouse' started by FoundaGoodThing2002, Apr 10, 2019.

  1. Three weeks ago, I said goodbye to my wife for the last time.

    Our first indications were in Oct 2018. She was hospitalized with what appeared to be diverticulitis. Through Oct and Nov, the antibiotics seemed to help but the pain wouldn't stop. Despite numerous CTs and a biopsy, there was no confirmation of anything life threatening.

    3 days before Christmas, my wife was hospitalized again. She was given a laparoscopic biopsy, and we braced for the worst. One week later, our worst fears were confirmed. Peritoneal carcinomatosis. By the time we caught it, it was too late. She was already stage 4. We started chemo but the cancer was just to strong. After a rough 3 months, she passed away 3/19/2019 in her hospital room.

    The pain is raw. This hurts. She was the love of my life. 16 years of marriage, 19 years of being my best friend. I miss her so much. We have 3 young girls. 13, 11, and 8 years old. They miss their mother. They need their mother. This is absolutely awful. My heart breaks for them.
  2. Aude

    Aude Member

    I am so sorry about the death of your wife. And at such an early age. I hope that you find comfort on this site. My sister in law died at 37 and my brother died at 39. They left a 13 year old son, who my Mom then raised. There was a program, provided by the Hospice organization here in Western New York, called “ Storm Clouds and Rainbows.” My Mom and nephew went to it together. It’s geared toward kids who’ve lost parents. It seemed to genuinely help them with their grief. Maybe they have something like it in your area. Might be worth a check.