I lost my adult son a week ago

Discussion in 'Loss of Adult Child' started by Zalost, Jul 6, 2019.

  1. Zalost

    Zalost Member

    I could only imagine when I would hear on the news or hear from people that somebody lost a grown child.. I always talk so bad and so compassionate towards the family t but now I'm fortunately I am one of them I lost my son a littlelittl a week ago the pain and sorrow that I feel in my heart I cannot explain people don't understand they say he's in a better place well he's better place would be here on Earth I know we all have to go but why couldn't it have been me..
  2. Zalost

    Zalost Member

    I apologize for the misspelling I'm not myself
  3. Evamarie

    Evamarie New Member

    I am so sorry. My son was 41 and i dont know what to do. It was 3 days ago. How can we cope?
  4. Zalost

    Zalost Member

    My deepest sympathy to you all so I can tell you how to cope because I cannot cope I cannot accept.. and time does not heal it just gets worse in my opinion and I cannot stand it when people tell me time heels on there's no way you can heal when it's your child if you like we can start communicating talk on the phone maybe we could help one another
  5. More Grace

    More Grace New Member

    Zalost I hear ya. Time seems to stand still. No parent should have to bury their child. The heart ache is unbearable. I lost my son 38 to cancer about a week ago. And though I consider myself a strong Christian, it doesn't stop the pain. I know it's a process but does the pain ever go away? Lord we need more of your Grace please!
  6. Zalost

    Zalost Member

    I'm speaking for myself.. No the pain gets worse each day and time doesn't heal..
    We can't all God why...I am a Christian and believe in God the hard part is to accept it but I can can't.. I'm so sorry for your loss very young to leave and yes parents are supposed to go first but I have a canvas I bought and it says God saw that there is no cure for you that you were in so much pain so he wrapped his arms around you and said come with me.. I don't know what to say to you cuz I'm going to the same how you are but that's saying comforted me in one way but the pain is still there there isn't a day that I do not go to the cemetery my son was a 44 year old nurse and he did tell me those mom I'm not going to make it he passed away from Cushing's disease and there is no cure
    My heart goes out to you it really does if you would like to keep in touch with him talk that's what we need we need communication with other people that have gone through a loss like we have
  7. Zalost

    Zalost Member

    I'm sorry for the errors in my reply but I get so sad I mis-spell
  8. More Grace

    More Grace New Member

    Zalost thank you very much. I'm hoping that God did take him home with him.
    I always thought thought that God would heal Him on this side. Graffling with if we should have stayed and continued new treatment in our town before going to Houston for consult which delayed treatment. Feeling so guilty. He should still be alive.
  9. Zalost

    Zalost Member

    you did the right thing of course you did have no regrets you tried anything you could yes God has taken in but believe me he's with you just noticed small little things that you didn't notice before lights flickering like a Fisher are going by you like a feather touching you or him touching you he's there with you trust me on that they leave but they do come back and they do send Messengers but you have to be aware of what you're looking for
    you can be sitting there and you'll feel like somebody touched you like with a feather art app that's your son showing you that he's there with you I believe in all this your soul goes to heaven but they do come back and visit us.. again my heart goes out to you I know how you feel it's a feeling that you will never get over with all we can do is cope with it but that is very hard
    Also went to the cemetery today in the cemetery we have out here that I go to where my whole family is buried and somebody vandalized my son's grave it really took a toll on me for that I went to the office and they said they were having problems with it which I cannot understand because they are such a clean well-kept cemetery maybe that's why I have no idea.. always have comfort that your son is with you always he's always there in your home always you may not see him or be aware of it but he is there if you like we can exchange phone numbers and talk if you would like just let me know I don't want to invade on your privacy or push if .. thank you so much
  10. Zalost

    Zalost Member

    Yes we need communication with other parents because that can help us.. because we all feel the same we lost a child I don't care how old or how young they are babies and I never talk about my son in the past always in the present
  11. Zalost

    Zalost Member

  12. Zalost

    Zalost Member

    I sent you this I hope it brings some comfort to you
  13. vinnycapp

    vinnycapp New Member

    I so feel your pain. I lost my 42yr old son 2 days ago following many yrs of sickness & sadness. May God be with you!!
  14. So very sad

    So very sad New Member

    I know what you both -Zalost and vinnvcann- are going through. I lost my adult son, 43 yrs old, November 17, 2019, just 13 days ago. He died of natural causes. The coroner said his "heart just stopped". I lost his sister in October 2010 in a tragic automobile/train accident. May God's peace be with all of us at this time.
  15. vinnycapp

    vinnycapp New Member

    So sorry to hear of your loss! The many unanswered questions. May God's peace be with you as well! Vinnie