Hi, Schsoldiergirl!
Sorry I'm a little slow to respond. Been still working on papers & such related to my late brother, and it takes a lot out of me. And dealing
with my thyroid medicine (that doesn't really work too well) isn't helping any! Ah, but I'll hope for a better day, today. I'm SO sorry to hear
that your knee pain has gotten so very painful. I can understand how hard and discouraging that can be. I'm sending more prayers and
good thoughts your way, and I truly hope that your doctor's appointment on Monday brings about some real help for you!!!!
I'm so glad you have your mom there, who is caring and willing to help you! And yay! She sounds like a good cook, too! That's the best,
isn't it, when Mom is there to cook some tasty things for you! I miss that about my mom, for sure. She used to say, "I'm not a fancy cook."
And I'd say, "I don't care....you're a good cook!" I especially miss things she made like pot roast and homemade chicken soup....she did a great job!
Maybe your mom has some special favorites she's making for you, too? I know, in all the hurt and grief you've both been going through, that
it IS nice how your mom feels "called-into-action" in a good way, by helping you. What a kind lady she must be! And a true MOM.
I really hope all this leads to you feeling better, just as soon as possible! And we'll figure out some other things your mom can do to feel
better, too, as you heal....my best wishes to you, both!
Yes, gratitude is a good thing to think about, especially when things are hard. I know it's not always easy, though, when so many things
are wrong. Sometimes, you really have to think about it, especially when you're hurting from grief and physical ailments. I remember one
video they showed in the Grief Share program....this younger lady had lost her beloved mom and someone else like an aunt, within a short time.
And it was really hard on her. She said one day, she took a walk in a nearby park, and just started thinking of simple things she could be
grateful for: the fact that she actually was able-bodied to take a walk; the birds, the pretty sky, the ducks in the lake, etc. She did this
for awhile that day, and she said she felt a lot better, afterward. In our workbook, they asked us to pick three things to be grateful for--
I wrote something kind of silly: popcorn, pizza, and penguins!

But I do like them, and it cheered me up to write it. So, yes, there are
things both small and big, that we can be grateful for....even when times are pretty hard, overall. It's like you have to train your brain to
think like that more often, when times are hard. But good for you, for trying to do this. I try to, as well--maybe not as consistently as I should,
but I try, sometimes!
Glad you were able to have a good talk with your co-worker, and clear things up. That was really mature of you to even bring it up with her;
I've unfortunately had to deal with some people who are SO immature in some ways, that they prefer to stew over stuff for a LONG time...and
that makes them really hard to deal with, if not impossible. My family was raised where we talk a lot, and get it out--good or bad. Which I think is much better, and healthier. And I really
applaud you for bringing up what was bothering you to your co-worker...that's great, it turned out not to be a big deal. Yes, I've learned through
all the grief groups I've been in that a lot of people just don't know what to say to others in times of grief and/or other hardship....it IS awkward,
I guess. One group I'm in (online) is run by grief expert David Kessler. He often says, "We live in a grief-illiterate society." That people
in general don't know how to deal with others' grief, or even their own. I agree with that. He's written a number of books on grief; I haven't
read them yet, but I've gotten a lot of good info from his group, so I imagine his books are good, too--if you ever feel like checking into them.
I'm sure you're tired, so I'll end this post for now. Just know that I am cheering you on, from southern California!

And please say "hi"
to Tang for me, as well....I just love that name! And I like your saying about this "crazy, crazy world" and our loved ones. That's really good,
and I'm gonna write that one down, to remember it. You take care, and no rush on writing back. Feel better, soon!!!! SallyD.
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