Single, no children, lost both parents, caregiver and alone at end of life

Discussion in 'Life After Caregiving' started by Sash, Sep 1, 2021.

  1. Sash

    Sash Member

    Hi I'm new here and just wondering if there is anyone in the same situation as me.
    I'm single without children, my dad died 5 year ago leaving me and my mam who had COPD . Although we were devastated at loosing my dad we had each other for support. Now I have lost my mam (July 2021) I packed in work to care for her when my dad died and we were extremely close, best friends, soul mates my dad died alone in hospital as they failed to inform us (medical error) so I promised my mam she would stay home with me and I cared for her at the end of her life. I am now very alone with no one to share this grief and wonder how I'm even making it through the day. Grief is exhausting me and I cannot even do the simplest of tasks (washing up) without having to go to bed.
    maryk.06 and Chris M 2000 like this.
  2. KateIsNotOkay

    KateIsNotOkay Member

    Hi Sash, I am so sorry for the pain you are in. I sympathize. I lost both my parents within the last 4 months. My mom died unexpectedly, although she went blind in February and both she and my dad required a lot of care. She died in April, and then my father was deemed ready for hospice, so my sister and I cared for him at home until he passed in early August. I'm unmarried with no children also, so you are not alone! I relate to the grief and to not being able to do simple tasks (it's been 2 days since my last shower, and that's actually an improvement). I barely make it through work, and I only manage that because it's remote and I have to. It's a heavy burden, this grief. I hope to see you in chat. It is comforting to find others with whom to share the weary load. Hugs, friend. You aren't alone.
  3. Noble2Diana

    Noble2Diana Member

  4. Noble2Diana

    Noble2Diana Member

    Hello Sash,
    It's Brutal...
    Understanding of any loss is bad enough..Try to cope at times overwhelmed..
    Sharing pain is Brutal
    Lost husband to stroke lost daughter to suicide lost son suicide by cop
    TORTURE of any type of grief.. Endless.
    Hugs to All Hearts Still bleed red!
    Sash likes this.
  5. Sapphire449

    Sapphire449 New Member

    Hi Sash, I am also new here and have no family. My father and mother had passed away many years ago but I lost my brother this December will be 7 years and just lost my husband of 24 years and my soulmate and my world. My husband died of COPD also. I also am struggling and trying to do everything I possibly can to help myself but still struggling. I am here for you and also for nobel2diana and katelsnotokav if I am even worth anything to you all. Hugs to you all.❤️
    maryk.06, Sash and Noble2Diana like this.
  6. Noble2Diana

    Noble2Diana Member

    Husband just died..2 months ago ..2 kids are gone now from suicide less 8 yrs. ..n suicide by cop..
    Now alone in a big place to much now..
  7. Noble2Diana

    Noble2Diana Member

    Please Take this Hug hold it...
    Love is love ..Stay Focused to positive...
  8. Noble2Diana

    Noble2Diana Member

    Pen pals PLEASE..Diana to sapphire
  9. lredditt

    lredditt Well-Known Member

    I took care of my late husband for 10 years - 5 of which were extremely hard while working two jobs. My adult chilôren are not his and could care less. I go to a grief support group but it does not fill the alone times. I feel as if I will never meet anyone to share my life with. I am sooooo lonely - it has been a year Thanksgiving and two mos. Does it get any easier? LA
  10. Sash

    Sash Member

    Sorry I have just seen this I have just come out of a (hazed bubble) the only way I can describe it how have you been managing
  11. Sash

    Sash Member

    So much loss for you how are you managing day to day now
  12. Sash

    Sash Member

  13. Sash

    Sash Member

    I totally understand even the simplest tasks are so hard how are you managing as time goes by
  14. lredditt

    lredditt Well-Known Member

    I try to walk as much as I can. I joined a church grief support group; I also go to PALS; you may have one in your area - Lorry
  15. Nella

    Nella New Member

    Hi Sasha,

    You’re not alone. I am in a similar situation. I lost my mom yesterday who I took care of during her battle with cancer. I’m scared and can’t even do the little things. Like my usual routines because it hurts to get back to normal. I have no children and no spouse.
    maryk.06 and Nsandre like this.
  16. Nsandre

    Nsandre Member

    Me too. Lost my mom in January. No kids, no husband. Not everyone marries and has kids- the grass isn't always greener. I know many of us wanted kids and families but for many of us out there, it just didn't happen. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one struggling with this.
    maryk.06 likes this.
  17. Don Y

    Don Y Member

    Its so hard to walk this life after the loss of your people. we didnt have kids either and were together for almost 32 years. my siblings and nephews live their life and expect me to be "ok" so i fake it when i'm there. i was g/fs caregiver for her last few years and the story of those last few years would make some people think i made it up. the quiet in the house can be deafening at times. i call it the loud quiet.
    as terrible as this is, please be strong.
    maryk.06 and Chris M 2000 like this.
  18. Chris M 2000

    Chris M 2000 Well-Known Member

    Even if you are doing only the simplest tasks, you are doing well. Grieve is so heavy it is hard to bear.
    Keep doing what you each day. We understand this exhaustion. I bore up under it myself, through the grace of God.
    Ask God to help you in all areas that you need it and He will hold you up until you get through this worst, toughest time.
    Keep holding on to hope for yourself. Be good and kind to yourself. Try not to make any judgments. You are doing what you are capable of now and each day you make it through is an achievement in itself.
    maryk.06 likes this.
  19. maryk.06

    maryk.06 New Member

    I am so sorry for your losses. I understand - my mom was my best friend and now I miss her so much. Grief IS exhausting. I am new here too. Hugs to you.