My family member

Discussion in 'Coping After a Sudden Loss' started by Ztyu123, Aug 21, 2021.

  1. Ztyu123

    Ztyu123 New Member

    My dog died today, and it's all my family's fault. everybody didn't believe me and shunned me when I told them that she was deathly sick for weeks. They are acting like it was natural causes but it wasn't. For weeks I have been telling them that she was sick and she needed to go to the vet and they ignored me telling me that I'm not a doctor and that they were tired of me complaining about it. she died horrifically on my kitchen floor with blood and urine pouring out of her orifices. I am very angry. this could have been prevented, or at least she didn't have to suffer. now my family joking that its time to get a puppy now. Also they were saying that I need to get rid of her things soon. I posted on another forum on another site under a mental health thread anonymously and the people there were very insensitive. Saying disgusting and irrelevant things almost blaming me like how come I didn't take my dog to the vet, and I shouldn't be sad because I'm not the victim my dog is. Those things made me feel even more terribly than I did previously sorry for posting this many times but I need to..to cope..I'm a coward a disgusting coward. I couldn't even be in the room and hold her when she died. .I left because I couldn't see her in that way
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