Loss of best friend/sister

Discussion in 'Loss of Sibling' started by Acquarian, Jun 8, 2022.

  1. Acquarian

    Acquarian New Member

    Losing my sister was like losing half of me!! I have been so lost and incapable of going forward. About 6 months after losing her, my husband died, right upstairs in our bedroom. I found him on the floor.
    He had been struggling with an early case of Alzheimer’s, very upset because he was losing his cognitive skills. He cried often about it, asking me to not leave him. It broke my heart. I imagine God called him home very early to avoid more pain.

    I miss them so terribly! I can’t move forward!
    Ceee, DaynaC and Lyn77 like this.
  2. wolfdream

    wolfdream Active Member

    Bless your heart, Acquarian, that is a lot of loss. I am sorry you lost two of the closest people to your heart in such a short space of time. That is such a shock, such a shaking of your foundation and identity. I recommend finding a suitable book by Alan Wolfelt for your grief, he is such an understanding voice that helps me through my traumatic loss of my soulmate (I'm nine months into grief).

    There is no rush to move forward, that is grief shaming speak the world tells us. It is healing for us to be with grief as long as it is needed. I have been orphaned as a young girl and other losses add to the depth of my grief now. It is calling us to sit with the pain, the healing is in there. It is the other side of our deep deep love, it isn't a monster. If we would never have attached, we would never grieve. This is our continued bond, it won't always feel painful. But the pain has its place.

    Keep courageously loving and remembering. Your heart can revalidate. I am feeling more moments of reprieve from all my intense being with my grief.
    Our love will always stay with us but the sensations will transform. This is a difficult journey, but we're not escapists. We're here, being real with our feelings and that takes authenticity and bravery. I see your pain and your love and I wish you gentle moments ahead as you walk in your grief/love.
    Anniebelle68 and Ceee like this.
  3. Ceee

    Ceee Well-Known Member

    HUGS, Give yourself time to heal. There is no right or wrong way to grieve. We each do it in our own way and at our own pace. Try to remember the good times and keep those you love with you through the happy time memories. HUGS. you will find understanding and caring people on this site.
    Anniebelle68 and MICHAEL2023 like this.