Losing both parents 8 months apart

Discussion in 'Loss of Both Parents' started by Amatthews, Dec 18, 2024.

  1. Amatthews

    Amatthews New Member

    Hi, my name is Ashley. I recently lost my mom April 15, then my dad November 27th. My mom was diagnosed with multiple myeloma (cancer of the blood) beginning of 2023 and they thought they caught it soon enough to be able to treat it/ keep it at bay since it will never go away. I love in post falls Idaho and she lived in auburn. I only knew what she told me as far as treatments and everything. Fast forward to 2024 and she had gone to the hospital in federal way and found out she was in heart and liver failure but never told us. We had picked her up from auburn just before my my brother's b day April 10th and by April 13th she was in the hospital with them telling us she's dying and we had no clue. By April 15th she was gone.
    My dad took it the hardest even tho they were divorced. My dad had been fighting c.o.p.d,enphazima, heart failure and lung cancer. He started to take a turn for the not so good side but got better. He got a cold just before he passed. Next thing you know I lost my dad. Both my parents 8 months apart. I'm lost, my husband is such a sweet heart but he has no idea how to help, my little brother seems to be doing just fine and I'm over here spinning out of control. I'm only 39 and thought I had so much more time with them. If you made it this far thank you for reading. I just needed to get this is my chest in a place I hope understands.
    Chris M 2000 and Patti 67 like this.
  2. Chris M 2000

    Chris M 2000 Well-Known Member

    Dearest Ashley, you have suffered two great losses. One of them was completely unexpected and caught you off guard without any warning. It is only right to grieve. You loved these two people and the grief is a sign of how much they meant to you.
    Be kind and good to yourself. Don't compare your grief to anyone else's. There is no right or wrong way to grieve. Only do things which are helpful to your well being and peace of mind. Don't try to conform to other's wishes or judgments.
    Your husband is not experiencing the same feelings as you, so you are right, he does not know how to help you. He wants to but just doesn't know how. He just wants to see you well.
    Look to God who can help you. We humans can only do so much for each other in the area of helping each other, but Jesus knows us intimately and He has experienced the same pain you are suffering. When He went to the tomb of Lazarus, the scriptures say he wept and they also say he has compassion. If you will reach out to Him, He will comfort and strengthen you-I know because He did this for me after out great tragedy.
    Stay in touch.