Checking In

Discussion in 'Coping After a Sudden Loss' started by Suntracker, Oct 27, 2024.

  1. Suntracker

    Suntracker Active Member

    I realized I have not felt like I needed to type for a few months in here. After my Mom went to be with God last June and my brother last Feb 2024 I was in here often. I typed all of my feelings and I how I was getting through each day. I find that whenever I look backwards I can create pain so I try to keep my mind on eternal things and think upward and forward. I realize they have moved from their phisical bodies into the spiritual realm and still are very much alive just in a different form. My Mom and brothers spirits are with God and He is taking care of all of their needs. I was taking care of my Mom after my brother died and that gave me a purpose as I have heard people talk about in here. After my Mom transformed into her spiritual body I had grief attacks and then God took them away from me. He healed the grief and began to show me the spiritual realm. I listen to a pastor that my signifigant other shared with me and I was alleviated. I now have gotten back to my life and routine and still from time to time think backwards but I see how this life is temporary and the eternity is to come. I tried to share this with my Mom before she passed when I told her that we will all be together in eternity. We being my Dad, Mom and my brother who have all gone on to be with God. This could make me feel sorry for myself but God has provided for me since and I believe and have hope that He will in future. I am concerned for my other half as he just turned the big 60 and he has high blood pressure. I bought a blood pressure machine and supplements and going to cook low salt etc etc. It is still scary though. I am 53 almost 54 and so a bit younger than him. I feel like him turning 60 like snuck up on us ya know. He is walking a lot and I hope and pray that he can get the blood pressure lowered as it is pretty high. So anyway I do still miss my Mom and brother and it has been over 20 years since my Dad passed but I miss him and miss his burly laugh. I have a nice memory of all of us taking a Thanksgiving Day walk together on a nice fall day and I try to remember these types of things when I look back. And God the Father has them all in His perfect Love right now. Prayers and Love to all of you out there in the grief process ~xoxo Heather